
2013 第三屆 A.R.T. 藝術總監 李善單 有話要說 (Lee Sun-Don, the Art Director of the third edition of A.R.T. (A.R.T. 2013), has something to say)

Lee Sun-Don, the Art Director of the third edition of A.R.T. (A.R.T. 2013), has something to say: "Without knowing why, the second edition of A.R.T., A.R.T. 2012, has achieved an artist hit rate of 91.18% (meaning 91.18% of the attending artists had sold their works). We are now pulling back the target for A.R.T. 2013 -- we'll be happy with just 70% hit rate! People usually set their targets upwards, but we art people like to think backwards and don't want to tangle with the numbers, which would be very unartistic."
The preliminary enrolment for A.R.T. 2013 in Taiwan begins now. The official enrollment begins from May, 2012. [More information, please visit http://www.arts.org.tw/chi/news.html]
2013 第三屆 A.R.T. 藝術總監 李善單 有話要說-- 「2012 第二屆A.R.T.台北新藝術博覽會,莫名的蹦出了個藝術家成交率91.18%。第三屆的目標拉回頭~訂下成交率70%就好!別人家的目標都是越訂越高,咱們搞藝術的不弄個反向思維,搞得被陷在"數字魔咒"裡就太不藝術了。」 「2013 第三屆A.R.T.台北新藝術博覽會,將會有20%展位是屬於學術性、實驗性、前衛性的藝術展示。英國有達明‧赫斯特,法國有菲力普‧巴斯夸,美國有傑夫‧昆斯,日本有村上隆,台灣有……歡迎有Guts的藝術家,做伙來掀起新藝術品味的風潮!」 2013 第三屆 A.R.T. 台北新藝術博覽會 即日起台灣區接受 "概念性" 報名 2012年5月 起正式接受報名 [詳情請參閱 台北新藝術博覽會最新訊息 ]

