顯示具有 Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


「投資」就是藝術! 德盛安聯, 台北新藝博會(A.R.T.) 瑪馨玲(MaSingLing)帶你入門探金彩!

從台灣出發的瑪馨玲Ma Sing Ling 

2015 年五月,全世界的人不只可以在台北看到瑪馨玲的作品,也能在義大利威尼斯看到藝術家們的精彩作品喔!

Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲「出神入化」–威尼斯雙年展會外展
展覽時間:2015. 5/7 ~ 2015. 6/6
展覽地址:San Marco 1047 Venezia


[轉載]收益成長新組合 藝術與投資三合一: 德盛安聯, 台北新藝術博覽會聯手

[原文取自udn 新聞網]公司的馬克杯與音樂盒,最近成為客戶間的熱門話題。特別是喜愛新藝術的朋友,對於上頭布滿的彩色圓點和線條,交織描繪出新抽象表現主義的藝術風格,經常是愛不釋手。
這是德盛安聯與台北新藝術博覽會合作,選擇台灣新銳藝術家三人組「瑪馨玲」(Ma Sing Ling)的畫作,希望透過藝術傑作帶領客戶看見台灣。

但隨著歐日相繼 QE和各國無預警降息,各類資產評價過高令價格敏感度跟波動加大,美股票這塊肉似乎有點肥,為了降低風險,你需要加點瘦肉,也就是好的債券和債息打底,或是加些亦股亦債的投資工具。


毫無疑問,高收益債仍會是主要的收益來源之一,不過單憑高收益債還不夠,在利息已壓到這麼低的情況下,還要從股票市場或類股票市場中找到收益,諸如可轉債 的債息,或是一些有現股保護賣出買權的股權投資操作,可貴的是這些標的都可以提供現金收入,同時間並可以參與股票的上漲。



夏天,花神留步先 - [寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery 正展出<春風得意> by 瑪馨玲( Ma Sing Ling)]

寶勝畫廊裡的春風仍是徐徐吹拂,瑪馨玲MaSingLing 三位女子畫家組成的藝術團體,自2014台北新藝術博覽會展覽期間開始的創作: 春風得意,伴隨著自然節氣,又尋覓中國唐代古風,以當代青年藝術家,生長生活於台灣的風情,連連創造出與詩人之間精彩對話的創作。

瑪馨玲( MSL) 2014 作品 春風得意/花園錦簇   丙烯 漆 畫布 2014  100 X 100cm

瑪馨玲( MSL) 2014 作品 春風得意/春雨添花豔  丙烯 漆 畫布 2014  100 X 100cm  

盛唐詩人.孟郊(Meng Jiao)  歷經多年考試失敗,最後考上那年寫了
這首七言絕句詩裡寫了自己過去窮困落魄,沒有什麼值得炫耀的事;現在心情暢快,可以自由自在的東想西想。在和煦的春風裡,我騎著馬四處逛,因為心情暢快,所以覺得馬跑得飛快,一天內,我就遊遍了長安城,看遍了了盛開的花朵。 [參考國語日報社網站] 



正在波蘭的藝術家朋友M 說華沙現在多雲有時又飄雨,問起天氣境況是否會影響生命的創意。中國人如我,回答心境會決定一切。





Art With Me Exhibition of Master Sun Don Lee & Pupils Ma Sing Ling@Gallery by the Harbour, Hong Kong, 2013/6/19-7/7

Coming Soon!!

Art With Me Exhibition of  Lee Sun-Don and Ma Sing Ling 
Master vis-à-vis Pupils

At Hong Kong 香港

Wonderful Clouds / The Golden Light Shines and Reflects

2013/Acrylic on Canvas/100x100cm (50F)

You can see, 
and even do more,
because of light,
every where, every moment...
If there is really something falling into your sight
you know the light is there.
And if there is nothing, 
then you have better to re-member, 
the light is still somewhere, 
like your MIND, 
 or other side of the planet.
And we, sons of light,

Dates: June 19 (Wed.)–July 7 (Sun.), 2013 (11:00~22:00)
Opening Party : June 22 (Fri. Free Admission with Invitation Card Presented)
Venue: Gallery by the Harbour, Hong Kong
207, Level 2, 3 - 27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Gallery by the Harbour [Adopted from http://www.harbourcity.com.hk/aboutus ]
As the largest shopping mall in Hong Kong, Harbour City is a proud supporter of various art activities and regularly organizes art exhibitions for famous and up-and-coming artists. Art gallery, Gallery by the Harbour, is located beside Victoria Harbour. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful view of Victoria Harbour and natural sunlight when appreciating art pieces in the 1,000-sq. ft art gallery with 20-feet high ceiling and full glass wall.

2012 A.R.T
李善單 妙得雲變/雲河萬里闊 丙烯.畫布 200x100cm 2013
李善單 妙得雲變/雲潑千山詩
李善單 妙得雲變/雲潑千山詩 丙烯.畫布 100x100cm 2013
瑪馨玲 花好月圓_鴻運當頭
瑪馨玲 花好月圓_鴻運當頭 丙烯.畫布 145x145cm 2013 李善單 妙得雲變/雲潑千山詩
瑪馨玲 花好月圓 金月照江山 丙烯.畫布 145x145cm 2013


Glamourous! New work & Exhibition - 瑪馨玲Ma Sing Ling (2012/12/22-31@CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei)

合氣一相/山中多風采/200x100cm/Acrylic on Canvas 丙烯.畫布 /Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲2012


Ma Sing Ling

Ma Sing Ling is a collaborative working team comprised of three young promising artists in Taiwan: MANIHOO, Singway and Ling Ling. These young artists have developed quite tacit understanding with one another, X-Power Gallery thus brings them together to spark new light. Their first attempt to create as a trio is “Form of Unity,” a series featuring the beauty of grandeur, magnificence, and incredible coherence. One of their creations in this series has been selected into the 159th Autumn Exhibition organized by Royal West of England Academy, United Kingdom (2011). More info.

Map of CKS Memorial Hall


CKS Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂

-Taipei City Buses 15, 18,20,22,37,204,208,214,236,248,249,251,252,261, 270,293,297,621,623,630,651,
XinYi Express all pass the Memorial Hall. Vistors may get offf at either CKS Memorial Hall or Nammen Market.
- Sindien Bus(新店客運), Taiwan Motor Bus(台汽客運), Zhihnan Bus(Jhihnan Bus指南客運)
- MRT: CKS Memorial Hall Station 



The Chief - Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲 New Work@X-Power Gallery (2012, TAIPEI)


Chief Seattle's 1854 speech on the environment

"How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?

Every part of the Earth is sacred to my people.
對我們的民族來說,大地的每一部份都 是神聖的。  
Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clear and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memory and experience of my people.
The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man. 
樹木裡流動的汁液都夾帶著紅人 (印地安人)的記憶。
The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful Earth, for it is the mother of the red man.  白人死了以後就忘了他們出生的地方,魂魄走到天上的星星之間。
We are part of the Earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers.  我們的族人死了以後從不忘記這個美麗的大地,因為大地是紅人的母親。
The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and the man, all belong to the same family.  .........
我們是大地的一部分,大地 也是我們的一部分。芬芳的花朵是我們的姊妹,鹿、馬和禿鷹是我們的兄弟。山峰、草的汁液、小馬的體溫,還有人都是同一個家庭。........


Reference : 

1. Chief Seattle  Save the frogs website
2. *印第安酋長西雅圖的演講稿 It's my Life blog
3. X-Power Gallery 寶勝畫廊
4. Exhibit - 展覽
2012 Annual Finale at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall -  Asia’s First Female Art Trio Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 Exhibit “Form of Unity” Check this for more information. Dec 22-31.

2012 年中正紀念堂年度壓軸特展
亞洲首團女子藝術三人組「Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲」合氣一相大展. 請造訪此處了解更多資訊 -  12 月 22 - 31 日

Songideye (by Lisa Sazama), featuring Lisa Sazama & Sandy Scofield off Sandy Scofield's 2002 Ketwam CD. Track 12 of 15.