顯示具有 Sun Don Lee 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Sun Don Lee 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


The Cosmic Power of Universe : [Artist 李善單 Sun Don Lee's work Zen • Onenss of Emptiness and Existence/禪.空有一如 /Accepted into The RWS/Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2008]

Sun Don Lee (李)'s work  : Zen • Onenss of Emptiness and Existence
Award Winning: Accepted into The RWS/Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2008, Royal Watercolour Society (RWS) and The Sunday Times, UK.
Year: 2008/ Medium: Watercolor on Paper
Size: 100x100 cm

More information, please visit

尺寸:100 x 100 cm

Title: Wonderful Clouds / A Cosmic View of the Moon with Clouds 
Year: 2013/Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 200x200cm (200F)


Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Bringing Art and Perfection of Life (Grand Prosperity and Peace from "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" – Master and Pupils Joint Exhibition by Lee Sun-Don & Ma Sing Ling)

"There are many traditional festivals in China. One of them is Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節) on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunisolar month, which is in September or October.
Mid-Autumn Festival 2013 is on September 19.

Chinese people will have a three-day holiday from September 19 to 21, and go home from every corner of the country and the world to meet with family, have dinner with them, admire the full moon and eat moon cakes. "(Quoted from Internet)

Chinese people believe a full moon is a symbol of peace, prosperity and family reunion. 
In Artist and Art Director of Art Revolution Taipei, Master Sun Don Lee (李善單) depicted the moon in his series of work such as "Moon Series" a prosperity, peace and family reunion could be realized in a secular world through Buddha's method.-- 

Sun Don Lee (李)'s work

Moon Series / Appreciate a Luminous Moon More Than a View for a Thousand Miles of the Secular World
Year: 2008  Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 89.5x89.5 cm(40F)

More Information, please visit X-Power Gallery's web site.

Ma Sing Ling
Floral Moon Duet/Opening with Golden Luck
Ma Sing Ling
Floral Moon Duet/Opening with Golden Luck
Acrylic on Canvas 145 X 145cm 2013 new series "

Award Winning:
1. Selected for Solo Exhibition in the Exhibition 2008 Autumn, Gallery Gabrichidze, Brussels, Belgium.
2. Invited Exhibition at the 27th International Autumn Salon, Lunéville, France.

Professor Sun Don Lee's pupils, 3 young potential artist, Manihoo, Singway, and Ling Ling, follow the essence of moon - the perfection of life, creating a series of work "Floral Moon Duet" and other admirable works; which will be exhibited in the "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" in X-Power Gallery in Taipei, Kaoxiong during 8/17 - 9/22 (Taipei) and 10/5 - 11/24 (Kaoxiong).
This is an exhibition following the grand exhibition of Habour City Gallery at Hong Kong (香港), and Master Lee's new series "Wonderful Clouds" are highly expected especially after his retreat at China's Mount Wutai in Shan Xi province.

In Chinese old story, there is a hare living in the moon and pound medicine by a tree. On Mid-Autumn Festival, you might see the shadow of hare on the bright moon.  

Chinese children learn Mandarin from pictures and stories, while using idiom in few words (normally 4 or 6 words) could depict the condition precisely.

One idiom about hares is ..[守shou3 株 zhu 待 dai4 兔 tu4 ]

Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares to Come and Dash Themselves Against It.

This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it.
He was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.Year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.In good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.If there was a famine due to crop failure,they had to go hungry.
This young farmer wanted to improve his life.But he was too lazy and too cowardly.Being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings.

A miracle took place at last. One day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,two groups of people were hunting nearby.As shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.
That day,he ate his fill.
From that day on,he no longer went in for farming again.From morning till night,he stayed by that miraculous stump,waiting for miracles to take place again.

This story comes from "The Five Vermin" in The Works of Han Feizi.Later generations often use the set phrase"staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it"to show grusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing.It is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible.

奇跡終於發生了。深秋的一天,他正在田裡耕地,周圍有人在打獵。吆喝之聲四處起伏,受驚的小野獸沒命的奔跑。突然, 有一隻兔子,不偏不倚,一頭撞死在他田邊的樹根上。

 (Adopted from Net)


Brains Unchained - The idea from Sun Don Lee(李)'s work Saint-Lotus Lady Jewel series

李善單Sun Don Lee , Saint-Lotus Lady Jewel 4,  2012, Oil on Canvas, 72.5x91cm (30F)

She lives in no time, now and then. She seems no smile on face but understands quite well into the environment.  
The hat protects her hair, inspiring her with flowers and unseen spirits.

The totemic around represents the realm emerging from her wisdom from nowhere.

The Art Studio of Lee Sun-Don

3F, No.207, Dunhua N. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 105

Tel: 886-2-7706-8868
Fax: 886-2-7706-8998



Unlimited Revenue soaring by heaven, earth and humankind [利] - Wonderful Clouds / Soaring Dragon • Supreme Nobility by 李善單Sun Don Lee(X-Power Gallery)

Artist Sun Don Lee's new work: Wonderful Clouds / Soaring Dragon  Supreme Nobility 
Year: 2013  Medium: Acrylic on Canvas  Size: 100x200cm (100F)

Soaring dragon is a sign of getting famous or fortune in Chinese tradition.
And people might use Mandarin word 利, (read as li4) to illustrate the revenue, the interest.
To write the word as following stroke sequence,

You might write  "禾" as the first part (means cereals or grains), 
and "刂" as the second one, also the radical index, which means a knife.

In ancient time, farmers harvest the grains by using knief, and get the their revenue.

In artist Sun Don Lee's new work, Wonderful Clouds / Soaring Dragon  Supreme Nobility, 
we could see the clouds soaring like a flying dragon above the mountains, 
and there is a temple just located at the middle of mountains in the artwork. 

Artist creates this series of artwork with the style of Chinese painting, to demonstrate the inner world of a Chinese artist, based on Taiwan where most of Chinese culture preserved in the modern time.

In this series of works, Lee uses monochrome ink to depict the natural mountains and clouds with abstract idea, while painting different light and dark areas by regulating the moisture of the ink (in fact acrylic). 

The most prominent idea of this series of works is the location of the temple.
Chinese people believe that when heaven, earth and humankind, the three dominance reaches balance and work effectively, the fortune and fame comes.

So the location of a building would suggest not only convenience of daily life, 
but also the revenue created without limitation when combing the spirits from heaven and human beings.

"Where is my temple?" 
Lee asks himself this question at the last stage of painting creation, and draws the temple on the canvas to make a finale perfect, but with unlimited bliss for anyone who enjoy the artwork.

And where is your temple to make your life with real revenue such as healthy, joy or fortune?

Maybe you can find some answers from Sun Don Lee's new "Wonderful Clouds" works at X-Power Gallery! 

Wonderful Clouds / Wondrous Propitiousness 
2013/Acrylic on Canvas/200x100cm (100F)

Sun Don Lee(李)'s profile:
Painting Artist: Pioneer of Totemic Energy Oil Painting
More current status of artist, please check the website,

Year of Birth: 1959
Birth Place: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Education: BA, Mathematics, Soochow University, Taiwan
Where to Visit:  Taipei/ Taiwan
Frontier Art · X-Power Gallery
B1, No.207, Dunhua N. Rd., Taipei 105, Taiwan
Tel : 886-2-7706-8868
Fax: 886-2-7706-8998
Hours: 11:00 ∼ 22:00
(Mon.  13:00 ∼ 22:00)
(Thurs. - 18:00   Sun. - 20:00)



什麼是慈悲?讓人吃飯就是最大的慈悲: [轉載] 李善單Sun Don Lee 笑釋「禪畫」- 妙得雲變/帝王氣運大開心



  中國的禪不僅是宗教,中國的水墨亦不僅是材質。這些難於被西方社會所了解的內容,隻能以東方神秘主義指標題以蔽之。不過,所謂東方神秘主義的內核其實不屬於東方,而是西方人的東方印象,長久沉溺反而失了性情。修行人、被稱作東方畢加索的台灣畫家李善單,時而窠臼裏,時而乾坤外;近日他於海港城展出的「妙得雲變系列」,很有點乾坤之外的意思。/本報記者  成 野

藝術家最新作品(圖文取自李善單藝術工作室) 妙得雲變/帝王氣運大開心 2013/丙烯.畫布/ 290x145cm (200號)










  在畫與禪中兜兜轉轉,筆者有心無力決意跳脫。李善單有趣,向來是修行賣畫兩不誤,不但自己的畫作大賣,更幫別人賣畫,他是台北新藝博會(Art Revolution Taipei)的創始人,在去年的第二屆台北新藝博會落下帷幕之時,以成交率百分之九十一點一八,總參觀人數二萬八千五百八十七人收官。




【雅昌藝術網專訪】李善單Lee Sun Don 台北新藝博會藝術總監:臺北新藝博(Art Revolution Taipei)選擇藝術家就是要能“賣”

本文圖片取自李善單老師Sun Don Lee 工作室寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery台北新藝博會A.R.T.,版權均屬各自單位所有,若有侵權疑慮,請來信通知,當即取下。謝謝!

原文出處: 雅昌藝術網 http://news.artron.net/20130507/n446645_1.html

作者:左紅梅 劉倩  2013-05-07 09:20:21來源:雅昌藝術網專稿

【導語】在經歷了2011年與2012年兩屆博覽會超過80%成交率之後,Art Revolution Taipei 2013 臺北新藝術博覽會於201352日晚19:00在臺北世貿三館拉開序幕,並持續了為期三天的公眾開放,開幕當天共吸引6,021位觀眾,VIP夜場除 了藏家的關注,還吸引了來自政界、商界眾多對藝術感興趣的嘉賓共同出席。

臺北新藝博會在創立之初就確定了參展物件藝術家為核心,以呈現藝術家的創作為最大亮點,並將凸顯成為藝博會的關鍵,要求參展藝 術家、藝術創作每年都要有60%的變化。幾個另類的標準引發藝術界關注。第一屆臺北新藝術博覽會最終成家率為89.66%,並以26,681的參觀人 次完成完美亮相;2012年的第二屆臺北新藝博會落下帷幕之時,以成交率91.18%,總參觀人數28,587人圓滿收官。而經歷了三年來的蛻 變Art Revolution Taipei 2013 臺北新藝術博覽會在今年又實行了怎樣的新舉措?

雅昌藝術網採訪了臺北新藝博會的藝術總監 李善單 先生。

李善單:臺北新藝博會每年一定要換掉60%以上的藝術家,藝博會的東西一定要新,你要讓前來參觀的貴賓接觸到的藝術是沒見過的,俗話說萬物 以僵化為亡,如果兩三屆都同樣的藝術家,這個藝博會就沒有什麼好看的,所以今年就換了三分之二藝術家,很多都是大家沒見過的藝術家,從非洲、歐洲、美國請 來的新的藝術家,這個就是一種"";另外,往屆參展藝術家能夠留下來的就要求你一定要畫出新的風格,或者是用之前沒用過的媒材做作品,如果不能滿足這樣 的條件對不起你不能參加,所以往屆留下來的三分之一藝術家的作品也是新的,讓觀眾每年來看都很棒。
李善單:從去年我們就開始收支平衡了,今年我們保持著樂觀的愉悅心情。大家都可以看到我們的平面圖上關於銷售狀態每十五分鐘改一次,就剛剛 開幕現場來看所有攤位都有人在詢問。在銷售狀況上,每十五分鐘就會統計誰賣了多少作品,這也是非常有戰略的,很清楚誰賣得好,賣得不好,賣得怎麼樣。
李善單:其實很多藝術家不知道怎麼去推銷自己,不知道怎麼得到贊助人,藝術生產很孤寂,只有你自己面對畫布,沒有人可以幫你的,這樣已經夠 孤寂了,所以他們不太容易跟人家交談,他們其實很宅,如果沒有人幫他推廣的話,藝術生命就很難走下去;但是現在有一些企業熱心公益,但他們也不認識藝術 家,我們就做這些完全服務的事情,找藝術家、找企業來贊助;我們在開展前兩個禮拜讓這些藝術家跟企業一起見面,大家聊的都很開心,所以企業來贊助這些藝術 家。

但藝術家如果在藝博會上有銷售,那銷售所得一半會分給企業,這就好像畫廊也會抽出50%的銷售額一樣,對於企業而言會得到廣告宣傳的效果,樹立企業形象, 甚至有可能會賺錢,有的企業獲得的甚至比他日常投資還要多;而對藝術家而言,有這樣的企業來贊助就很有信心,甚至企業要和他長期合作,我們都很鼓勵的。
李善單:基本上首先會考慮東西是否是可以擺出來的,例如以一位上海藝術家舉例,他畫的是吸煙的胖女人,很多人喜歡但很多人想買的時候忍住不 能買,由於家裡有小朋友或者上小學、幼稚園的孩子,家裡掛了一個胖女人在抽煙,對小孩不太好,所以買他的大部分就是年紀稍微大一點的藏家,他的擺設不會牽 扯到小孩子,作品要能掛出來思考到這一點,有很多作品你看了家裡隨時可以擺,對小孩子有教育的功用,我們這裡的作品都是很光明的,所有的作品挑的原則就是 光明,掛在家裡氛圍很好,至少是有教育作用。
李善單:有,對我來講只有一個條件就是會賣。不然把人家作品千里迢迢運過來參展,沒賣掉又千里迢迢運回去很可憐,所以我的責任壓力很 重,我的壓力也很重,我挑的就是會賣的作品,這是一個市場導向,來了就要賣,來了老半天純展覽做什麼呢,藝術家也要生活啊,所以你有太多想盡辦法想要來參 加,但是我說你的作品不會賣我就不讓你參加。


李善單:直覺,非常乾脆的直覺,看到這個作品以後那一霎那之間,就會知道有哪些客戶群、哪些市場、哪些人會想買,很清楚的直覺,有沒有這樣 的藏家會來?如果有,就可以做,十個裡邊只要有一個也意願就可以買;你算一算,兩百多個藝術家,只要有三百多個藏家買就夠了,一個藏家可能買很多幅,但是 每個藝術家相對找到一個藏家就可以,一場藝博會我們的人數大概在20000人左右,就是20000%1%200人,2%400人,我只需要400個 收藏家對這300多個藝術家就好了,我所有的計算是只算這樣子而已,平均每2%100個進來的兩個人,每50個進來的一個人有可能買誰的作品就做誰,然 後大不了擴充為十倍,機率就很高了,所以為什麼我們成交率會那麼高,那都是進行很精密的計算出來的。

李善單:對我來講藝博會的成功就是藝術家能賣畫,藝術家的藝術生命才能走的下去,我的目標只有這個,學術先擺一邊,市場做到了,全世界很多 人買你的作品一定有學術地位,達明安·赫斯特有什麼學術?他不屑於學術,可是全世界他排到第一了,大家都把他變學術了,不是嗎?英國皇家藝術學院還給他院 士,他還拒絕,就這麼簡單,你只要這個世界上有很棒的市場一定有學術,號稱學術多好市場一個都沒有那個是假的,不是我才市儈,而是我很清楚什麼是事實。

李善單:有市場才有品質,藝博會很成功,全世界藝術家都想擠進來當然好挑,品質再好沒有人買大家都不敢來了,今天巴塞爾藝博會就是全世界的 畫廊都去申請,現在香港藝博會也被巴塞爾購買,之前在瑞士,後來到邁阿密,現在連香港藝博會都被他買下來,變成香港巴塞爾,全世界最好的畫都在你的手上 挑,就有了品質。
李善單:八年計畫都很清楚了,明年整個計畫就是印象當代,印象當代是兩大含義:一個是對於現代,不管現在的環境生活多麼的苦悶或者怎麼樣, 你怎麼找到希望,希望在哪裡,這是主軸;第二印象派作品是全世界最受歡迎的,不管是梵古也好,雷諾瓦也好,一路印象派,印象派的作品同樣一個味道,你怎麼 用當代來表現。一個就是心靈層面走出光明的地方,一個就是所謂市場層面,因為印象派的作品全世界最受歡迎。

李善單:這些藝術家不管在藝術上的交流,藏家來所受到的心靈洗滌感受,或者藝術家可以繼續他的藝術生活,這個是我們的目的,我們的努力看不 見的努力,我們的花費、我們的付出,這個不足為外人道,也不需要為外人道,做人,中國人就講究為善不欲人,你能夠體會自然能夠體會,所以我們跟很多藝術家 變成很好的朋友,因為他們知道我們在做什麼,不是你去宣傳你做了什麼。

李善單:臺灣的收藏家非常成熟,成熟度很高,所以只重視的是這個作品我喜歡,所有買藝術品最重要的考慮是你喜歡,不要因為投資,不要因為什 麼而去買,你買了一個你不喜歡的作品,是為了投資,他沒有漲反而跌或者反而不會很顯然,你每天是很痛苦的,你買了一個很喜歡的藝術品可以掛在家裡邊,每一 天看了賞心悅目,有一天它漲了你很高興,沒有漲我也很心安理得。


李善單:基本上臺灣已經經過四十年的藝術教育,國內是1989年之後才開始有當代藝術,只有一、二十年,真正興盛起來是在本世紀的時候,不 管上海當代或者是藝術北京都是最近這十年內的事情,國內因為人非常多,要把這種文化底蘊深入進去比較難,難就會產生一些問題,就是藝術品不知道怎麼對待, 所以在上海當代、藝術北京或者任何在中國大陸的藝博會會看到很多去參觀的觀眾喜歡摸畫,這是對畫最大的傷害,你的雕塑作品他拿起來玩,真的不是心動,是很 難理解一個人怎麼對別人的東西是這樣處理的態度,基本上對藝術家而言,每一個畫作,每一個作品就像他的子女一樣,有時候我就很想問你的女兒被人家這樣捏屁 股你會不生氣嗎?不是嗎對藝術家來講就是這樣我辛苦創作出來的東西你拍拍摸摸搓來搓去,對藝術家來講你根本就在羞辱他,你把他當作一個什麼?不當作一個 人家用心血創作出來的藝術,當它是一個玩具或者是根本就是很忽略的態度,所以中國大陸去了幾次藝博會我是嚇到了,而且很嚇到,不是普通的嚇到,是非常的嚇 到,可是你在歐美絕對不可能這樣,在臺灣也看不到,昨天來了六千多人,就算人很擠也不會去碰畫作,也不會去摸的。
雅昌藝術網:前兩屆藝術品成交率都超過了80%,您當時在接受我們採訪時說今年的目標是銷售七成,是不是增加了很多不太好賣的作品? 開幕之後您怎麼估計今年的成交率?
李善單:藝術的思維邏輯不一樣,藝術思維邏輯是在非常深厚的時候能不能冷靜下來做一些別的嘗試,商業只有往成功這條路走,藝術是往多個可能 方向走,所以今年的評估只評估七成,商業思想越來越高,現金越來越高,只有在藝術上面或者一個人的內心會檢討、會透過嘗試的人把目標定明,因為我要嘗試 30%不一樣,一定要求是有突破嘛。

李善單Sun Don Lee 妙得江山系列/十成運量

李善單Sun Don Lee 妙得江山系列/紫氣又東來

李善單Sun Don Lee 妙得江山系列/胸懷大藏
李善單:這次推出來的系列叫做"妙得江山",我這次所推出來到現在應該賣了多少?應該十幾張,我推出來的要求只有一個,都是要我不認識的 人,認識的人不賣,買過我畫的人不賣,我就是要蛻變,所以到現在市場全部是我們不認識的人,我的作品夠好,今天不是你是我的藏家的人會買,而是我不認識的 人你才會買,這叫夠好,你已經是收我作品的人了,你現在還在收我作品理所當然,我不覺得我進步,我就要求就是這個樣子,所以有一些老藏家可能會講怎麼樣, 可是我告訴他我這樣做真的是成功了,又找到很多很棒的新藏家,對你原先買我畫作的人更棒,有更多的知音,有更多市場的人,有我的作品,大家會一起把作品做 到更好,所以我只有要求一點,我自己的蛻變是不賣給任何認識的人,也絕對不賣給以前賣過的人,到現在為止成功了,我的作品快賣完了,就很成功。
第二,這次我的繪畫是創造了一個從來沒有人有機會創造過的東西,因為我住在寺廟裡邊,所以我到世界各地去的時候會有一個反思的動作,如果我的寺廟是在這裡 會看哪一個方向,自然的心理反射動作,於是我在這次的畫作叫《妙得江山》,妙雖然用惟妙的妙,但是跟寺廟的廟同音,這個山水每一個都是我世界各地去過的地 方,但是去過的地方並不是寫實,而是寫意,也許我今天畫阿拉斯加,阿拉斯加裡邊有一段飛機要降落安格拉斯前面那一段,那是冰天雪地,靠近北極圈,可是那種 都是樹林,我畫的那個阿拉斯加畫的是樹林,我不是畫冰天雪地,上面畫的極光,因為阿拉斯加給我最大的震撼既然不是冰天雪地,而是樹林,在飛機往下看簡直呆 掉了,因為冰天雪地靠近北極了,沒有想到整片是樹林,北方飛機的前頭就有極光,我就把它摹畫下來了,所以裡邊很多是意境。

李善單Sun Don Lee 妙得雲變系列/雲河萬里闊

把中國四大名山都畫了,五臺山、 普陀山、峨嵋山、九華山我去了,裡邊的感受是怎麼樣的,我把感受畫出來,跟實景不一定象,但是我畫的是感受。這張比如說再來是四百多年來,五百年來沒有一 個油畫家是住在寺廟裡的,我就是作出沒有人畫過的題材,你也一樣可以畫寺廟、畫山水,都可以,但是你不是住在寺廟裡,我是史上第一個住在寺廟裡邊的人,而 且一住是從本世紀住到現在。
李善單Sun Don Lee 妙得江山系列/天地巨構



In Search of the Golden Ratio - The China Post's Interview with Artist Sun-Don Lee

Sun-Don Lee believes that math is an auxiliary tool
in his work

Mathematics and art have a long relationship. Starting from ancient Egyptians and Greeks, there are many examples of artists who have been inspired by mathematics in designing their works.

Taiwanese artist Sun-Don Lee is surely one of them. In his own works, he believes that art is science and science is art. “All art can fit the golden ratio. If you want to mater art, you need to understand math because all elements in the picture are related to ratio and balance.” He told The China Post during last week’s Art Revolution Taipei.

For him, science doesn’t restrict his creativity. Instead, math is an auxiliary tool in his work. “When finishing one of my paintings two weeks ago, I felt something was missing, but I couldn’t tell at that moment. A day later, I thought about adding some light to fill the empty space and decorate the mountains with some lively light and shadows. That is balance,” he said.

Standing in front of Lee’s paintings, you are immersed in a sense of tranquility and power. Mountains, rivers and temples are the main elements of his new series. “Wonderful Attainment” , which shapes the mood of Lee’s landscape paintings.

Instead of painting sceneries in a realistic way, the artist aims to show his reflection of an “ideal place.” Under his paint brush, The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile in Paris is turned into an arch bridge between two mountains. Beneath, Lee painted ships rather than cars or carriages. For him, the painting presents the old glory of Paris.
“Because I live in a temple, I always think ‘where should I build my temple whenever I visit a new place?’” he added.

In recent years, Lee’s work has become increasingly sophisticated. He not only observes with his eyes, but also with his heart.
He holds the strong belief that every painting has its own vibe, which is the spiritual power rooted in the artist’s mind. “It’s interesting, we use the same material, and draw the same thing, but the results are different.”

To further improve his art, Lee said he reads and travels a lot, and he is also an accomplish novelist and musician. Ten hours a day, seven days a week, he devotes all his time to his art. He claims that he barely has a social life and doesn’t like to be involved in conversation.

Even dining is considered a waste of time.
“I only have one meal per day, which only takes me five minutes to eat, and I have had this habit for 25 years.” Noting that many things grow in a garden even though they were never sown, Lee remarks that art, which was supposed to be a tool to help him progress in his Buddhist studies, has now become a full-time career.

Distributed from Special Interview – The China Post : Prof. Lee Sun-DonThe China Post


Chinese Talk:Wonderful Attainment / The Wonder of Converging Spirituality

Wonderful Attainment / The Wonder of Converging Spirituality
2013/Oil on Canvas/100x50cm

Wind erosion (風化, feng hua4) is a major geomorphological force, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. It is also a major source of land degradation, evaporation, desertification, harmful airborne dust, and crop damage—especially after being increased far above natural rates by human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture.  (Wikipedia)

風 (feng) Wind (How to write, Simplified Chinese), any natural force; in Chinese culture, "風 feng" could mean the trend, scene, information, anything could change the phase of matters in time, and like the insect in the cave. 
化 (hua4) convert. (How to write)
 Sand could be converted from rocks by wind erosion and any other forces.



Time Past, And Perfectly Perfect (artwork by 李善單 Lee Sun Don)

 Time Past - Marilyn Crispell

“You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
Annie Dillard 

Wonderful Attainment / Perfectly Perfect/2012, Oil on Canvas, 200x100cm (100F) 
Artist: 李善單Lee Sun Don, The series of works are now exhibited at X-Power Gallery, Taipei

Master Lee Sun Don李善單 , Artist & Art Director of Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T)

Special Programs of 2013 A.R.T.:
2‧ Thus, the Zen style leaves its path
3‧ Meeting the Masters & The Greats Meet the Greats
4‧ International Art Competition
5‧ A parallel exhibition of the "Masters' Masterpieces" and by the Osti Art Gallery

Annie Dillard (born April 30, 1945) is an American author, best known for her narrative prose in both fiction and non-fiction. She has published works of poetry, essays, prose, and literary criticism, as well as two novels and one memoir. Her 1974 work Pilgrim at Tinker Creek won the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. Dillard taught for 21 years in the English department of Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut. (Wikipedia Info.)