顯示具有 Yachi Li 賴雅琦 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Yachi Li 賴雅琦 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


「香華天GP DEVA」寶勝畫廊 李善單Lee Sun Don、瑪馨玲MaSingLing、賴雅琦Lai Yachi 受邀「2015 亞洲當代藝術展春季展」3/12~15香港港麗酒店登場


3 月,島嶼洋紫荊花期將盡,但有 2015年「香華天GP DEVA」寶勝畫廊的眾多藝術家們自台灣大氣抵達,香港的城市風光豈能不隨紫氣繼續,揚揭春天的動人香華滋味?

 洋紫荊花 - flower symbol of Hong Kong, ChaYi City in Taiwan, sourced from wikipedia  洋紫荊花 Bauhinia × blakeana

李善單Lee Sun-Don《人生精彩/赫然大氣》彩墨.紙本 62x92cm

李善單Lee Sun-Don《人生精彩/女人‧是個迷人的謎》彩墨.紙本 92x62cm

賴雅琦Yachi Lai《奔騰大山大水間19》丙烯.畫布 72.5X60 
 台北寶勝畫廊 - 現在展出 2015 Art Revolution Taipei 預展 (Preview of A.R.T. Now Starting) 


「2015 亞洲當代藝術展春季展」3/12~15香港港麗酒店登場

資訊出處: 指傳媒 FingerMedia

「香華天GP DEVA」寶勝畫廊 李善單、瑪馨玲、賴雅琦受邀展出精彩新作
「2015年亞洲當代藝術展」(Asia Contemporary Art Show)3月12~15日在香港港麗酒店舉行。「香華天GP DEVA」集團旗下寶勝畫廊將由獲邀威尼斯雙年展參展榮譽的李善單教授領銜,偕同多位目前正在國際嶄露頭角的藝術家:榮獲多次國際獎項的瑪馨玲、風格鮮明的賴雅琦等,一同在「2015亞洲當代藝術展春季展」上,展出最新精彩作品。
國際經營 帶領華人藝術家躍上國際舞台
來自台灣、跨國經營有成的國際精品集團「香華天GP DEVA」,自2007年設立寶勝畫廊,邁向複合式經營後,除積極培植潛力藝術家外,亦受邀參加及舉辦國際畫展。包括義大利威尼斯雙年展、烏克蘭國家美術館、日本東京都美術館、上海美術館、北京恭王府、俄羅斯國家藝術學院RAA個展、英國皇家油畫協會評選展、法國獨立藝術家沙龍,及美國芝加哥藝博會、倫敦國際精品藝博會、瑞士蘇黎世藝博會、紐約SCOPE藝博會等逾五十多次國際展會。
集團創意總監李善單教授2009年在香華天集團贊助下,獲選參加世界三大藝術展之一「威尼斯雙年展」!此次參展創下亞洲百年來首位以油畫個人館獲邀參展的紀錄,不僅義大利羅馬日報稱李教授為「當代東方的畢卡索」,國際藝術界泰斗奧利瓦教授(Achille Bonito Oliva)更讚美他是全方位藝術家,藝術的深度與廣度可媲美康丁斯基、克利、阿普爾、米羅和馬蒂斯等大師的境界,並推崇他是一位「超前衛藝術家」。
Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲《合氣一相/金彩藍得‧不可思議》丙烯.畫布 100x100cm

Gia 小聲說,青山見我已如是,迴旋迷步是新芽。^^V


Yachi Lai 賴雅琦's Light - [Exhibition: Treasure Hunt – Group Exhibition of Taiwan and Mainland Artists Hunting for Artworks with Great Potentials by Promising] Talents

Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.1 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

You never thought the woman hanging down the head like this, 
until Pablo Picasso drew it from his mind.
And, one day, sitting in your living room, your realized the gesture from your friend, or a family, 
or yourself. 
You could not await to give an applause for the picture in your mind.
Behold! The woman in front of you still stay in her world, 
and genuine work was settled with price higher and higher, auction by auction.

Where your applause would go? 

Picasso ever asked 張大千 Chang Dai chen (or Zhang DaQian, Chinese artist 1899-1983) 
the similar question when they met in Nice, 1956.
Picasso asked Zhang "Where is your work?" 

After then, Zhang started a totally new series.
When a master like Picasso gave appraise like this, 
what will you do?  
Zhang chose to create new works with a trendy style, 
while combing the skills he practiced from long time ago, and he succeeded.
Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.3 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

Yachi Lai's work: 
In Light of Chang Dai-Chien‧The World as It Was 3

Young artist Yachi Lai (1980-, Taiwanese) 
shared the same inspiration when kindergarten. 
“You paint truly wonderfully!” 

What you will do when you receive a big compliment from an important person?
Maybe a series of revolution, like Picasso, Chang Dai-Chien or young artist like, Yachi Lai. 

As for the style of traditional Chinese painting, 
people might need more time to reveal and capture the spirit of the culture (around 5000 yrs), 
and unwind the real spirit at some moment, unexpected one.


Inspired by Zhang Da-Ch’ien’s magnificent landscape painting, 
Yachi Lai integrates elements of modern architecture and 
presents her latest creations as part of her “In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧
The World as It Was”In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧