
On the Way of Uncovering - (George Gershwin[American Musician] , Manihoo Chang and Mou Lu's work [X-Power Gallery])

The melody created by George Gershwin, when he traveled in Paris 1928.  
Image that one travels in a strange place, 
and got things uncovered by everything after then. 

What kind of creation Gershwin got? A creation of music, An American in Paris, 
It is just like a ring of bell, that connects Classic and Blue, 
and traverses between the sensation towards home town and wonderland.    

The bell of YuanDao GuanYin Temple,  Dan-shui , Taipei, Taiwan.
The words engraved on including the "Zen of Nine Words":  
"Na Mor Ben Shi Da Zi Zai Wang Fo"

Click the photo, see more pictures.


And we might share the similar feeling when visiting artist's works 
when you realized that he/she were not trained with ethics education,    
or some important collectors with not being rich but treasure art from bottom. 

When the bell sounds, just like uncovering treasures somewhere by a hunter's hard digging, 
and artwork made by artists after trying to light up the overwhelmed world of darkness!  
(Exhibition: Treasure Hunt @X-Power Gallery :September 28, 2013~ October 27, 2013

Work of  Manihoo, 2013 (X-Power Gallery

Scent of a Woman‧Bright Eyes 13


Little earthquake Initiated by Mou Lu呂嫦謀 on Exhibition "Treasure Hunt" at X-Power Gallery, Taipei - 2013/09/28-10/27

Mou Lu's newest series: Scent of Women- Brigt Eyes 5
(On Exhibition Treasure-Hunt Now-10/27)


Artist's Profile
Mou Lu, Born in 1967, graduated from Kung Tung Technical Senior High School in Taitung, Taiwan with a major in the Architectural Drawing.

Her father was an excellent ink painter who held solo exhibitions and published his own painting albums. While being influenced and instructed by her father, Chang-Mou has had an interest in painting since her childhood.

Mou Lu is brilliant at depicting the subject in paintings via images of symbolism and conveying the feeling of multiple layers through collage while de-emphasizing the depth.

While detaching themselves from the backdrop, every viewer can become blended with the artwork. It is as if the viewer becomes a bystander, object or figure in the painting, all at the same time. Mou Lu's artwork thusly offers both a friendly and frank attitude toward the viewers.

The prime colors, such as red, blue, black and white, are used to express feelings or concepts of Purity. Elements like diamond and gold foil symbolize Eternity. There are no deliberately applied meticulous lines or sophisticated and multiple layers of colors.

Objects in her paintings, which range from flowers, females or even diamonds, are expressed in the most conspicuous way. Mou Lu uses simple and concise elements to convey her concept about “the visibility of genuinely important objects”.

More work and information, please visit X-Power Gallery's official site.

GIA 觀自在: Gia's freeway to explore artists, artworks of This 認識地球上的藝術家, 藝術作品: 航海大挖寶(2013/9/28至10/27)台北香華天‧新藝境/寶勝畫廊X-Power Galler...

挖寶(2013/9/28至10/27)台北香華天‧新藝境/寶勝畫廊X-Power Galler...: 兩岸藝壇星勢力 相約台北「香華天.新藝境」寶勝畫廊 「挖寶.兩岸藝術家聯展」星光熠熠 期待您前來尋寶~挖寶~藏寶! 十四位新崛起的兩岸藝壇星勢力── Coana Sebastião 、王馨薇、呂嫦謀、李紅珊、余祖光、俞潔兒、張心禹、張渺、陳小村、陳軍、陳俐維、陳誼欣、...


Find X-Power in Kaoshiung: Yellow Energy from Rubber Duck, Lemon, and ART (Full Moon, Spring Blossom)

Yellow(黃, read as huang2) Winds Flows from Sky to Kaoshiung...
Yellow Duck, Yellow Lemon, and Yellow Moon
within "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" – Master and Pupils Joint Exhibition by Lee Sun-Don李善單 & Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲 (2013/10/05 -11/24)


Emerald Lemons Bring Sparkle to Summer Orchards

Your Lemon sunken in Dream & Drink@Yuandao Guanyin Temple/Taipei

Netherlands Designer Florentijn Hofman 

 (Photo adopted from Rubber Duck Taiwan Tour Kaoshiung)

 (Photo by Ding Bou Yuan)

 (Photo by Ding Bou Yuan)

 "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" –
Master and Pupils Joint Exhibition by Lee Sun-Don & Ma Sing Ling 

Taichung Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery
Kaoshiung Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery

Date: 5 October ~ 24 November, 2013

Artists know the way to absorb and release yellow energy,
warm and cheery.
Lemon tree also knows.

Need energy? 
Bring a hat, and head to South for your ART way!
Yellow sunshine and Lemon juice await you!  


達達再現 (Dadaism) 寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery 挖寶兩岸新銳藝術家聯展: 挖寶 2013/09/28-10/27

 紅塵喜/陳軍 : 
位在台北的寶勝畫廊分為三區。2013 年 10 月 2 日的這天晚上,前面一區擺放李善單(Sun Don Lee)教授與瑪馨玲(Ma Sing Ling)三位年輕藝術家在 9月 28 日起展出的挖寶-兩岸中國新銳藝術家聯展的個別作品。

走到中間第二區,可以欣賞到中國藝術家: 余祖光、梁偉平、陳軍、陳小村和張渺的作品,以及台灣藝術家陳誼欣、呂嫦謀、陳俐維的新作品。

第二區的中間,還擺設了瑪馨玲的雕塑作品 - 翔。

從余祖光運用寫實風格 - 核桃,以及梁偉平描繪在植物瓜藤、竹葉下栩栩如生的小雞,運用書畫筆觸,描點竹葉瓜蔓的寫實中又有點寫意的作品,再往左邊可看到陳軍繼2013台北新藝博會之後的創作作品,用了更多看似任意揮灑的白色筆觸,表達自己對畫中風景的有與無的感觸。


藝術家透過這些女子作品,表達了極度強烈的「自我」,或許是對世界的自由觀感。 呂嫦謀作品


大概就是因為看了這兩幅畫,WS 遇到我時說我應該學習怎樣酸人、酸自己,讓真正的心思能夠飛翔。


夾雜在陳軍、張渺與陳小村等藝術家作品中間,一長排的作品是陳俐維繼2013年A.R.T 之後的新作品。無疑地,這是藝術家們極盡打破過往寫實風格後,用打破線條的作品,表達內心渴望、夢想之後,可能邁向的另外一種風格,沒有明顯型態,而彩筆、筆刀所呈現的每條線條,無論遠看或近看,都會讓人突然有種回到瑞雪大地,或穹蒼藍天的感動 - 身為人的最初悸動。



1916 年- 1920 年的達達主義(Dadaism),興起於第一次世界大戰的瑞士蘇黎世。

1916 年,中華民國剛成立 5 年,中國的藝術家在做甚麼?

回頭,當我看到瑪馨玲三位藝術家的裝置藝術與融合攝影剪影的藝術作品時,突然覺得這個展場整個很達達主義,我找了找現場,並未看到杜象那有名的噴泉 ,後來看到Manihoo 的裝置藝術 - 我不是大師/浴女,看似無厘頭的風格,卻是出自另外一個另類的心智。

 Manihoo 作品

「挖寶」─ 兩岸藝術家聯展開展 年輕新銳精彩創作 收藏潛力誘人
Dada 影片

關於「達達」一詞的由來,歷來眾說紛紜。有些人認為這是一個沒有實際意義的詞,有一些人則認為它來自羅馬尼亞藝術家查拉和詹可頻繁使用的口頭語「da, da」,在羅馬尼亞語中意為「是的,是的」。最流行的一種說法是,1916年,一群藝術家在蘇黎世集會,準備為他們的組織取個名字。他們隨便翻開一本法德詞典,任意選擇了一個詞,就是「dada」。在法語中,「達達」一詞意為兒童玩耍用的搖木馬。



在這段時期內,杜尚開始以現成品來進行自己的藝術創作,並參加了「獨立藝術家社會」組織。1917年,他發表了著名作品《泉》,是一個寫有「R. Mutt」字樣的小便池。然而這幅作品卻被「獨立藝術家社會」組織拒絕。


Yachi Lai 賴雅琦's Light - [Exhibition: Treasure Hunt – Group Exhibition of Taiwan and Mainland Artists Hunting for Artworks with Great Potentials by Promising] Talents

Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.1 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

You never thought the woman hanging down the head like this, 
until Pablo Picasso drew it from his mind.
And, one day, sitting in your living room, your realized the gesture from your friend, or a family, 
or yourself. 
You could not await to give an applause for the picture in your mind.
Behold! The woman in front of you still stay in her world, 
and genuine work was settled with price higher and higher, auction by auction.

Where your applause would go? 

Picasso ever asked 張大千 Chang Dai chen (or Zhang DaQian, Chinese artist 1899-1983) 
the similar question when they met in Nice, 1956.
Picasso asked Zhang "Where is your work?" 

After then, Zhang started a totally new series.
When a master like Picasso gave appraise like this, 
what will you do?  
Zhang chose to create new works with a trendy style, 
while combing the skills he practiced from long time ago, and he succeeded.
Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.3 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

Yachi Lai's work: 
In Light of Chang Dai-Chien‧The World as It Was 3

Young artist Yachi Lai (1980-, Taiwanese) 
shared the same inspiration when kindergarten. 
“You paint truly wonderfully!” 

What you will do when you receive a big compliment from an important person?
Maybe a series of revolution, like Picasso, Chang Dai-Chien or young artist like, Yachi Lai. 

As for the style of traditional Chinese painting, 
people might need more time to reveal and capture the spirit of the culture (around 5000 yrs), 
and unwind the real spirit at some moment, unexpected one.


Inspired by Zhang Da-Ch’ien’s magnificent landscape painting, 
Yachi Lai integrates elements of modern architecture and 
presents her latest creations as part of her “In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧
The World as It Was”In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧


Treasure Hunt – September 28, 2013~ October 27, 2013@Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery, Taipei

Treasure Hunt – Group Exhibition of Taiwan and Mainland Artists
Hunting for Artworks with Great Potentials by Promising Talents

  • Time: September 28, 2013~ October 27, 2013
    Venue: Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery, Taipei

  • X-Power Gallery will present a newly curated exhibition – “Treasure Hunt” – on September 28, 2013, running through October 27, 2013. This exhibition brings together artists with great market potentials from Taiwan and Mainland China, including Singway, Mou Lu, Lee Hongshan, Yu Zuguang, GOGO YU, MANIHOO, Zhang Miao, Xcun, Chen Jun, Chen Li-Wei, Luna Chen, Ling Ling, Yachi Lai, and Coana Sebastião.
    This exhibition features artists who have developed their own art languages and distinguished styles. The members of the internationally recognized art trio Ma Sing Ling, for example, will participate with their individual creation.
     Adopted from The secret of kells

     Ling Ling, who has established her reputation in photography, will display oil paintings manifesting the savor of cutout effects. With her artwork selected into Le Salon d’Automne, one of the most important art exhibitions held in Paris, Singway uses multimedia to illustrate various facets of the inner world. MANIHOO, winner of “Best of Year 2010 by Marziart International Gallery,” combines drawing with her use of banknotes to create a series characterized by liveliness and vitality. 

    Sinway_The Dog with a Moon

    Ling Ling_Beyond Color/Smiling at All Times

    Manihoo_I'm Not a Master/Lady in Shower

    With painting knives, Chen Li-Wei manages beautifully to bring out a sentiment of warming femininity from the thickness of layering colors. Mou Lu, whose works win favor from female collectors, creates a series with bright eyes to convey the inner motion, while continuing to draw on the motif of flower and woman. Inspired by Zhang Da-Ch’ien’s magnificent landscape painting, Yachi Lai integrates elements of modern architecture and presents her latest creations as part of her “In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧The World as It Was”In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧The World as It Was” series. As to GOGO YU and Luna Chen, each narrates the sentiments of romance with geometrical elements and style of picture books in her own way.

    Mou Lu_Scent of a Woman • Scent of a Woman‧Bright Eyes 8

    GOGO YU_Flower • Sleep
    Chen Li-Wei_Still
    Yachi Lai_In Light of Chang Dai-Ch’ien • The World as It Was 22

    Based on the structure of Chinese paintings, Chinese artist Chen Jun depicts image blending concrete and abstract, realism and non-realism. His works are quite popular among art lovers in Taiwan, with all his exhibiting works sold out right at the VIP preview during Art Revolution Taipei 2013. Xcun expresses traditional literary thinking via his painting characterized by simplicity and child-like innocence. Lee Hongshan represents the elegance of the landscape and architecture of Jiangnan in south China from her unique feminine perspective. 

    Skilled in capturing light and shadow of glass transparency, Zhang Miao features the image deflected from the glass to symbolize the melting stability of the world. With a realistic style, Yu Zuguang’s walnut-themed paintings express his self-expectations of being perseverant toward life, as firm as the shell of walnuts. A young artist from Mozambique and graduate from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Coana specializes in crafting the female images of his homeland with intensive and saturated colors.Please come to hunt for the treasures that resonate with your heart.
    These 14 artists across Taiwan Strait each has his/her own characteristic style, market potential, and promising collectability. Please come to hunt for the treasures that resonate with your heart.   
    Coana Sebastião

    Xcun_My Sky-Please Do Not Wake Me Up

    Zhang Miao_Life Is A Cup of Wine No.21

    Chen Jun_8 Joy In Secular World 48


    航海大挖寶(2013/9/28至10/27)台北香華天‧新藝境/寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery「挖寶.兩岸藝術家聯展」

    兩岸藝壇星勢力 相約台北「香華天.新藝境」寶勝畫廊
    「挖寶.兩岸藝術家聯展」星光熠熠 期待您前來尋寶~挖寶~藏寶!

    十四位新崛起的兩岸藝壇星勢力──Coana Sebastião、王馨薇、呂嫦謀、李紅珊、余祖光、俞潔兒、張心禹、張渺、陳小村、陳軍、陳俐維、陳誼欣、鄭如玲、賴雅琦,9/28至10/27相約在台北「香華天‧新藝境」寶勝畫廊聯袂展出。



    女人香‧明眸8    呂嫦謀Mou Lu (台灣)    丙烯.畫布 53x65cm  2013


    帶著月亮的狗狗    王馨薇Singway (台灣)    複合媒材 100x60x4cm  2013


    我不是大師/浴女    張心禹MANIHOO (台灣)    丙烯.複合媒材 40x50cm  2013


    花•眠 Flower•Sleep    俞潔兒GOGO YU (台灣)    複合媒材 80x65cm  2013


    夜間守護神/甜蜜的夜晚    陳誼欣Luna Chen (台灣)    油彩.畫布 53x45.5cm  2013


    色影/頻頻微笑    鄭如玲Ling Ling(台灣)    丙烯.畫布 46x55x2cm  2013


    大千世界‧江山依舊 22    賴雅琦Yachi Lai(台灣)    丙烯.畫布 91×60.5cm  2013

    畢業於大陸中央美學院的Coana Sebastião,是來自莫三比克的年輕藝術家,他善於以強烈飽和的色彩,塑造家鄉女性的形象。

    Coana Sebastião


    金秋時分    余祖光Yu Zuguang(中國大陸)    油彩.畫布 120x90cm  2012


    紅塵喜48    陳軍Chen Jun(中國大陸)    油彩.畫布 60x90cm  2012


    山月照依舊    陳俐維


    我的天空-請不要叫醒我    陳小村Xcun(中國大陸)    油彩.畫布 102x76cm  2011




    杯酒生活21    張渺Miao Zhang(中國大陸)    油彩.畫布 60x50cm  2013

    「挖寶」─ 兩岸藝術家聯展
    日期:2013.9.28 (六)~ 10.27(日)
    地點:「香華天‧新藝境」寶勝畫廊 台北市敦化北路207號 1F & B1
    電話:(02)7706-8868 7707-8299