Exhibition Lieu: New World Design Center 紐約家具設計中心(台北八德路)
The artworks in the show, Chuan Yi-Shu (Together Arts/New World 2013) successfully bring up an idea about building an cozy & clean corner in the misty weather in the end of 2013.
The misty while clean light drawn by artists from China & Taiwan;
'the works show the strong impression to the hometown or the wonderlands in artists.
'Do you learn Mandarin language?
'Zhu-Yin or Pin-Yin, which system you use?
'The front gate of the exhibition
'People get together in a clean enviroment, meet and share!
Meet Artist! (傅浩軒 haushiuan.fu)
The curator, Alisa Lu, knows well about the integration of spatial and environmental factors, after her rich experience of playing a role of agent in the area of business building cross Taiwan to Australia.
And now, this new exhibition, 12.21 2013 to 2.28, 2014, in Taipei just perfect show her talent of integration for arts, communication and more, the idea of cozy corner which everyone might need.