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[轉載] 藝享幸福「2015台北新藝術博覽會」預展:BELLAVITA寶麗廣塲、歐西緹藝術空間、寶勝畫廊

(中央社訊息服務20150330 15:31:53)年度藝壇盛世──第五屆台北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei 2015)5月8日即將在台北世貿三館隆重登場,為了讓愛藝人士先睹為快,主辦單位於4月起,陸續在 BELLAVITA寶麗廣塲、歐西緹藝術空間、寶勝畫廊舉辦預展,讓雅好藝術者搶先欣賞藝境非凡的國際藝術家精采作品。




其中「大會策展區‧國際大師會藝」,將展出由藝術總監李善單教授選自全球、特殊創意之頂尖藝術家作品,例如:以「精鋼銲接技術」備受矚目的Jordi Diez Fernandez,既是巴塞爾藝博會常客,也應邀為西班牙國寶精品Loewe製作精鋼雕塑;「國際藝術家沙龍大展」則為首度登場,藝術總監由上屆「國際藝術家大獎賽」參賽者,選出極具風格特色的藝術家,展出其最新創作系列。此外,藝術總監李教授在本屆展會中將以「超越人類極限」概念,為大會特別創作一系列跨越時空的作品──藝術家巧思將億萬年化石與當代雕塑結合,蛻變成全球唯一的博物館級藝術品。


2015台北新藝術博覽會 預展
「有藝術‧很饗福」國際藝術大展 4.10(五)~4.27(一)
‧歐西緹藝術空間  4.8(三)~4.20(一) (需預約)
‧寶勝畫廊‧影響力藝術中心  4.1(三)~5.2(六)

Art Revolution Taipei 2015 
公眾展覽:2015. 5.8~5.9 12:00~20:00 
2015. 5.10 11:00~19:00
2015. 5.11 12:00~20:00
展覽地點:台北世貿三館 台北市松壽路6號


2015 台北新藝術博覽會 的預展開始了,
在2015 年的這場「有藝術‧很幸福」主題展出中,




P.S. 請問吃草莓大福時,要喊 "大神好" 嗎?@@] 


[文摘]收藏家的新角色:激情、投機和參與精神 Collectors New Role:Passion, Speculation, Spirit of Engagement (安德里亞.貝利尼Andrea Bellini) 台北新藝博會 2015 A.R.T. Preview Starting


 預展@寶勝畫廊 X-Power Gallery 
台北新藝術博覽會 Art Revolution Taipei 寶勝畫廊 X-Power Gallery 在【2015 A.R.T.預展】 台北。寶勝畫廊相簿中新增了 8 張相片 — Peter H. Harskamp 、 Kika Selezneff和 Olga Larionova寶勝畫廊;影響力藝術中心

[文摘] 收藏家的新角色 激情、投機和參與精神

Collectors New Role Passion, Speculation, Spirit of Engagement


從藝術家李善單Lee Sun Don的<人生精彩> 聽時間與空間的詩歌 [台灣流行歌手[張惠妹A-Mei 三月] 寶勝畫廊展覽:2014/6/14(六) ~ 7/31(四)

李善單Lee Sun Don 2014 創作/題名:人生精彩/美女
年代:2014/素材:彩墨.紙本/尺寸:66x90cm (30號) 






台灣Taiwan 歌手張惠妹A-Mei的三月


李善單Lee Sun Don 2014 創作題名:人生精彩/
無掛礙/年代:2014/素材:彩墨.紙本/尺寸:66x90cm (30號)



展覽資訊: [網站資訊: http://www.xpower-gallery.com/trad/exhibitions_20140611.html ]
「人生精彩 」─李善單Lee Sun Don
展覽日期:2014/6/14(六) ~ 7/31(四)
展覽地點:「香華天‧新藝境 寶勝畫廊」

Taipei 台北
10595  台北市敦化北路207號B1
Tel ﹕+886-2-7707-8299
營業時間﹕週一 13:00~22:00 週二~週六11:00~22:00 週四 11:00~18:00 週日 11:00~20:00


[轉載] 「人生精彩 」─李善單(Lee Sun Don )新水墨 畫話人生 開創當代水墨新藝象- 6月14 日起至7月31日@台北寶勝畫廊


擁有四十年深厚文化底蘊的藝術家李善單教授,繼油畫、攝影、水彩、雕塑與裝置藝術後,以當代水墨再創藝術新領域,6月14 日起至7月31日在台北寶勝畫廊舉辦「人生精彩─李善單新水墨」個展,將展出「人生精彩」當代水墨創作系列。



在當代水墨醞釀崛起的時刻,勇於挑戰、以突破自我為樂趣的李善單教授,當然不會錯過此一契機!李善單以深蘊東方文化素養的創作,令國際藝評家、兩屆「威尼斯雙年展」總策展人奧利瓦教授(Pro. Achille Bonito Oliva)極為讚嘆:「他的藝術深度與廣度讓我們想到巴拉、康丁斯基、克利、阿普爾、米羅和馬蒂斯等大師的境界。」 。

李善單早期曾自學小提琴、大提琴,更是著名的武俠小說家,作品曾榮登金石堂暢銷書排行榜榜首,也曾被改編為極受歡迎的電視劇;他同時也是音樂創作者,所創作的樂曲在2007年曾獲第18屆金曲獎「傳統暨藝術音樂類‧最佳作曲人獎」入圍。 李教授曾如此自我剖析,「我是累積四十年文學底蘊,三十年音樂涵養,二十年苦修才開始畫畫。我花了這麼長的時間做準備,才開始作畫。所以畫每一筆,心中自然會浮現詩詞歌賦、古典文學或音樂。腹有詩書氣自華,當內在精神飽滿,畫出來的作品自然能呈現力量。」而這樣深厚的文化底蘊,也成為李教授在水墨創作的豐富資糧。

在這次展出的「人生精彩」系列中,李教授將詩詞融入於水墨之中,或將新詩當畫、或直指心情,或挑戰畫詩、或以情詩畫心,演繹一系列畫話情詩創作,並以幽默、人性的方式用繪畫和直指心證的現代詩句來表達,簡而言之,就是用「畫」說「話」的「畫話」 。李教授在創作中蘊藏了小小的幽默、小小的情感,以簡單又容易明白的描述,帶給觀者不同的思考,作品中的繽紛色彩,則意謂著人生無論如何,都是多姿多彩。


夏天,花神留步先 - [寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery 正展出<春風得意> by 瑪馨玲( Ma Sing Ling)]

寶勝畫廊裡的春風仍是徐徐吹拂,瑪馨玲MaSingLing 三位女子畫家組成的藝術團體,自2014台北新藝術博覽會展覽期間開始的創作: 春風得意,伴隨著自然節氣,又尋覓中國唐代古風,以當代青年藝術家,生長生活於台灣的風情,連連創造出與詩人之間精彩對話的創作。

瑪馨玲( MSL) 2014 作品 春風得意/花園錦簇   丙烯 漆 畫布 2014  100 X 100cm

瑪馨玲( MSL) 2014 作品 春風得意/春雨添花豔  丙烯 漆 畫布 2014  100 X 100cm  

盛唐詩人.孟郊(Meng Jiao)  歷經多年考試失敗,最後考上那年寫了
這首七言絕句詩裡寫了自己過去窮困落魄,沒有什麼值得炫耀的事;現在心情暢快,可以自由自在的東想西想。在和煦的春風裡,我騎著馬四處逛,因為心情暢快,所以覺得馬跑得飛快,一天內,我就遊遍了長安城,看遍了了盛開的花朵。 [參考國語日報社網站] 



正在波蘭的藝術家朋友M 說華沙現在多雲有時又飄雨,問起天氣境況是否會影響生命的創意。中國人如我,回答心境會決定一切。





On the Way of Uncovering - (George Gershwin[American Musician] , Manihoo Chang and Mou Lu's work [X-Power Gallery])

The melody created by George Gershwin, when he traveled in Paris 1928.  
Image that one travels in a strange place, 
and got things uncovered by everything after then. 

What kind of creation Gershwin got? A creation of music, An American in Paris, 
It is just like a ring of bell, that connects Classic and Blue, 
and traverses between the sensation towards home town and wonderland.    

The bell of YuanDao GuanYin Temple,  Dan-shui , Taipei, Taiwan.
The words engraved on including the "Zen of Nine Words":  
"Na Mor Ben Shi Da Zi Zai Wang Fo"

Click the photo, see more pictures.


And we might share the similar feeling when visiting artist's works 
when you realized that he/she were not trained with ethics education,    
or some important collectors with not being rich but treasure art from bottom. 

When the bell sounds, just like uncovering treasures somewhere by a hunter's hard digging, 
and artwork made by artists after trying to light up the overwhelmed world of darkness!  
(Exhibition: Treasure Hunt @X-Power Gallery :September 28, 2013~ October 27, 2013

Work of  Manihoo, 2013 (X-Power Gallery

Scent of a Woman‧Bright Eyes 13


Little earthquake Initiated by Mou Lu呂嫦謀 on Exhibition "Treasure Hunt" at X-Power Gallery, Taipei - 2013/09/28-10/27

Mou Lu's newest series: Scent of Women- Brigt Eyes 5
(On Exhibition Treasure-Hunt Now-10/27)


Artist's Profile
Mou Lu, Born in 1967, graduated from Kung Tung Technical Senior High School in Taitung, Taiwan with a major in the Architectural Drawing.

Her father was an excellent ink painter who held solo exhibitions and published his own painting albums. While being influenced and instructed by her father, Chang-Mou has had an interest in painting since her childhood.

Mou Lu is brilliant at depicting the subject in paintings via images of symbolism and conveying the feeling of multiple layers through collage while de-emphasizing the depth.

While detaching themselves from the backdrop, every viewer can become blended with the artwork. It is as if the viewer becomes a bystander, object or figure in the painting, all at the same time. Mou Lu's artwork thusly offers both a friendly and frank attitude toward the viewers.

The prime colors, such as red, blue, black and white, are used to express feelings or concepts of Purity. Elements like diamond and gold foil symbolize Eternity. There are no deliberately applied meticulous lines or sophisticated and multiple layers of colors.

Objects in her paintings, which range from flowers, females or even diamonds, are expressed in the most conspicuous way. Mou Lu uses simple and concise elements to convey her concept about “the visibility of genuinely important objects”.

More work and information, please visit X-Power Gallery's official site.


Find X-Power in Kaoshiung: Yellow Energy from Rubber Duck, Lemon, and ART (Full Moon, Spring Blossom)

Yellow(黃, read as huang2) Winds Flows from Sky to Kaoshiung...
Yellow Duck, Yellow Lemon, and Yellow Moon
within "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" – Master and Pupils Joint Exhibition by Lee Sun-Don李善單 & Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲 (2013/10/05 -11/24)


Emerald Lemons Bring Sparkle to Summer Orchards

Your Lemon sunken in Dream & Drink@Yuandao Guanyin Temple/Taipei

Netherlands Designer Florentijn Hofman 

 (Photo adopted from Rubber Duck Taiwan Tour Kaoshiung)

 (Photo by Ding Bou Yuan)

 (Photo by Ding Bou Yuan)

 "Full Moon, Spring Blossom" –
Master and Pupils Joint Exhibition by Lee Sun-Don & Ma Sing Ling 

Taichung Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery
Kaoshiung Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery

Date: 5 October ~ 24 November, 2013

Artists know the way to absorb and release yellow energy,
warm and cheery.
Lemon tree also knows.

Need energy? 
Bring a hat, and head to South for your ART way!
Yellow sunshine and Lemon juice await you!  


Yachi Lai 賴雅琦's Light - [Exhibition: Treasure Hunt – Group Exhibition of Taiwan and Mainland Artists Hunting for Artworks with Great Potentials by Promising] Talents

Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.1 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

You never thought the woman hanging down the head like this, 
until Pablo Picasso drew it from his mind.
And, one day, sitting in your living room, your realized the gesture from your friend, or a family, 
or yourself. 
You could not await to give an applause for the picture in your mind.
Behold! The woman in front of you still stay in her world, 
and genuine work was settled with price higher and higher, auction by auction.

Where your applause would go? 

Picasso ever asked 張大千 Chang Dai chen (or Zhang DaQian, Chinese artist 1899-1983) 
the similar question when they met in Nice, 1956.
Picasso asked Zhang "Where is your work?" 

After then, Zhang started a totally new series.
When a master like Picasso gave appraise like this, 
what will you do?  
Zhang chose to create new works with a trendy style, 
while combing the skills he practiced from long time ago, and he succeeded.
Yachi Lai's work: 
Applauding No.3 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm 2011

Yachi Lai's work: 
In Light of Chang Dai-Chien‧The World as It Was 3

Young artist Yachi Lai (1980-, Taiwanese) 
shared the same inspiration when kindergarten. 
“You paint truly wonderfully!” 

What you will do when you receive a big compliment from an important person?
Maybe a series of revolution, like Picasso, Chang Dai-Chien or young artist like, Yachi Lai. 

As for the style of traditional Chinese painting, 
people might need more time to reveal and capture the spirit of the culture (around 5000 yrs), 
and unwind the real spirit at some moment, unexpected one.


Inspired by Zhang Da-Ch’ien’s magnificent landscape painting, 
Yachi Lai integrates elements of modern architecture and 
presents her latest creations as part of her “In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧
The World as It Was”In Light of Chang Dai-Ch'ien‧