
Enjoy the world of circles (Art works by Sir Charle Chaplin, Carol Bak, and Master Lee Sun Don)

In modern time, Where are You?  

Chaplin's Modern Time

"Modern Times marked the last screen appearance of the Little Tramp - the character which had brought Charles Chaplin world fame, and who still remains the most universally recognised fictional image of a human being in the history of art."

You might be integrated into a life cycle, with or without "Mind".....

Melancholy - 思念

(心, "xin" means "MIND" (in Mandarin), Keeping the MIND now and here brings a chance to see the reality. ) 

By Karol Bak (Poznan, Poland), Now exhibiton at X-Power Gallery@Taipei

X-Power Gallery@Taipei, 2012 
---Picture originated from facebook, X-Power Gallery

Wonderful Attainment Series by Master Lee Sun Don(李善單) 2012 @X-Power Gallery


Artist's Profiles

Karol Bak (Poznan, Poland)

Karol Bak (born 1961) is a highly skilled painter 

and graphic artist whose works are widely collected in Europe
& USA. He’s fascinated with the mystery of the circle and 
its relations with the square of the image. He creates
dreamy worlds filled with illusive spaces. 
The artist sets women in different roles: 
inter alia mythological and biblical characters. 
He’s the one who reaches the woman soul through 
the body denuded from props. He’s the follower of the
Beauty which follows mysterious paths of ecstasy.

Lee Sun Don 李善單 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Year of Birth: 1959
Birth Place: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Education: BA, Mathematics, Soochow University, Taiwan
Website: http://arts.sundon.net/  
Current Status
  • Art Director, Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan
  • Oil Painting Artist
  • Deputy Director, Gallery of China Profiles, Xiamen, China
  • Visiting Professor of The Russian Academy of Arts, Russia.
  • Visiting Professor in Fine Arts at Peking University, Harbin University of Science and Technology, and Xiamen University, China
  • Buddhist Master - the abbot master of Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple in Taipei
  • Music Composer and Pianist
  • Writer (Zen Martial Arts Novelist)
  • Science Essayist
  • Philanthropic Entrepreneur

The Chief - Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲 New Work@X-Power Gallery (2012, TAIPEI)


Chief Seattle's 1854 speech on the environment

"How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?

Every part of the Earth is sacred to my people.
對我們的民族來說,大地的每一部份都 是神聖的。  
Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clear and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memory and experience of my people.
The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man. 
樹木裡流動的汁液都夾帶著紅人 (印地安人)的記憶。
The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful Earth, for it is the mother of the red man.  白人死了以後就忘了他們出生的地方,魂魄走到天上的星星之間。
We are part of the Earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers.  我們的族人死了以後從不忘記這個美麗的大地,因為大地是紅人的母親。
The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and the man, all belong to the same family.  .........
我們是大地的一部分,大地 也是我們的一部分。芬芳的花朵是我們的姊妹,鹿、馬和禿鷹是我們的兄弟。山峰、草的汁液、小馬的體溫,還有人都是同一個家庭。........


Reference : 

1. Chief Seattle  Save the frogs website
2. *印第安酋長西雅圖的演講稿 It's my Life blog
3. X-Power Gallery 寶勝畫廊
4. Exhibit - 展覽
2012 Annual Finale at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall -  Asia’s First Female Art Trio Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 Exhibit “Form of Unity” Check this for more information. Dec 22-31.

2012 年中正紀念堂年度壓軸特展
亞洲首團女子藝術三人組「Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲」合氣一相大展. 請造訪此處了解更多資訊 -  12 月 22 - 31 日

Songideye (by Lisa Sazama), featuring Lisa Sazama & Sandy Scofield off Sandy Scofield's 2002 Ketwam CD. Track 12 of 15.


2013 國際藝術家評選賽 (2013 International Art Competition)

Art Revolution Taipei 2011 Wins Professionals' and Collectors’ Approval

2013 國際藝術家評選賽 (2013 International Art Competition)

亞洲頂尖藝術賽事「國際藝術家評選賽」自2011年起由台灣當代藝術家協會承接主辦,結合目前台灣最大的藝術交流平台-台北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei),協助個人藝術家開拓更多展出、銷售及代理之機會。
The Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association has organized one of Asia’s top art contests, the International Art Competition (I.A.C.), since 2011. The organizer is now combining I.A.C. Together with Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T.), the most important platform of art exchange in Taiwan, to promote individual artists to the international market. The combined power of both of these unrivaled art outlets will result in more opportunities of sponsorship, exhibition and sale.

協辦單位:X-Power Gallery


畫廊獎:由X-Power Gallery贊助,自入圍參展作品中選出一位優秀藝術家。獲選之藝 術家得於第四屆台北新藝術博覽會使用一單位(9平方米)之展位空間以展售作品。

Entry Deadline:Feb 28, 2013
Organizer:Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association
Co-organizer:X-Power Gallery
Eligibility:Open to all artists over 18 years old
Finalists will be announced on the website on March 31, 2013.

報名簡章 (Submission):
評選賽報名簡章(繁體版) 下載
如果無法開啟檔案,請下載相關閱讀軟體。 (立即下載)

评选赛报名简章(简体版) 下載
如果无法开启档案,请下载相关阅读软件。 (立即下载)

Entry Form of Art Competition Download
If file cannot be opened using Adobe Reader, please kindly use the provided free software.(Download) 



[轉載] 2012/12/22(六)~12/31(一) 中正紀念堂年度壓軸特展 亞洲首團女子藝術三人組「Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲」合氣一相大展

原文 http://www.xpower-gallery.com/trad/exhibitions_20121119.html

亞洲首團女子藝術三人組「Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲」合氣一相大展


展覽名稱:Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 「合氣一相」大展
展覽地點:中正紀念堂 美齡藝廊

合氣一相/水唱‧紅塵有心淨土在2 合氣一相/藤達.凌風而起

全台灣少數以國際化策略經營當代藝術的香華天‧新藝境「寶勝畫廊」,將於2012年底與中正紀念堂攜手合作,推出目前在國際備受肯定的亞洲首團女子藝術三人組──Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲「合氣一相」大展,在12月22 日至31日為期十天的展期中,將展出「藤達」、「水唱」、「金彩藍得」及「水唱‧得意山水」等最新創作系列。

Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲創作三人組是由台灣新銳藝術家張心禹(MANIHOO)、王馨薇(Singway)與鄭如玲(Ling Ling)所組成,除了創作默契十足,作品也備受好評:三人聯手創作的首幅作品即入選「西英國皇家藝術學院第159屆秋季展」,之後更接連榮獲美國「前衛藝術第57屆國際公開藝術展」國際組首獎、入選美國「弗羅里達州第七屆評選展」、入選美國「第十屆年度超現實視覺及精神藝術評選展」,今年11月再獲「英國皇家油畫家協會第125屆年度評選展」入選,再添國際榮耀!此外,Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲的作品在台灣也備受藏家青睞,更令兩大收藏家日盛企業集團總裁陳國和、台灣工業銀行董事長駱錦明為之激賞,成為此兩大集團美術館之館藏。

Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲的創作特色為「充分挑戰油彩的流動與自由性,隨著油彩不可預測的自由流轉,展現大自然的律動與壯濶!」日盛企業集團總裁陳國和盛讚:「三人合力創作竟能有如此高水平,讓我有如同見到張大千潑墨般的驚艷!」

本次展出作品,除了延續Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲一貫震懾人心的氣勢,新創作系列各有不同意涵:

Alex De Grassi


Ma Sing Ling “Predestined Affinity” Sculpture Exhibition 11.1~11.30 GP DEVA ‧ Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery” Cordially 2012.11.01

Ma Sing Ling “Predestined Affinity” Sculpture Exhibition
11.1~11.30 GP DEVA ‧ Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery”
Cordially Invites You to Join Us!
Cheers--Represents celebration and rejoicing with one another.
The three globes represents each of the three artists of the trio Ma Sing Ling.
Ma Sing Ling   Bronze Sculpture 46x46x32cm 21.3kg / 33.5x33.5x22cm 9.2kg  2012

Ma Sing Ling “Form of Unity” Abstract Painting Exhibition,
organized by “GP DEVA ‧ Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery” and “IS Art Fund”,
was concurrently held in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung.
Then followed immediately by the grand opening of
X-Power Gallery – Hong Kong in September, and
the exhibition show in Shanghai, China and Beverly Hills, USA in October,
all receiving high acclaim from guests. President Chen Guohe of Jih Sun Group praised,
“As if I was seeing Zhang Daqian's Splashed Ink Art!” A German collector commented,
 “Using very difficult painting techniques!”
A collector from Dongguan, China raved,
“The artistic conception is very special. In the free flow
of oil paints the work conveys a captivating and stately bearing,
being an innovative creation!" A US VIP &
Collector commented,
“The collective work is a very difficult kind of creation.
Incredible! Bold, vivid colors, breathtaking energy and momentum!”

Predestined Affinity • Mind Talk--
Expressing the affection and interaction between people
Ma Sing Ling   Bronze Sculpture 48x30x42.5cm 21.9kg  2012
In addition to the magnificent abstract paintings receiving
praise domestically and internationally, Ma Sing Ling constantly
 innovates and continues to chang by branching out from the plane of the canvas to 3D sculpture. In September this year, invited by the art space "BELLAVITA" and
the Art Revolution Taipei Art Fair, the artist trio held their debut exhibition of
their sculpture works. This immediately attracted the attention
of prominent collectors, which quickly
became part of their permanent collections.

On the first day of Ma Sing Ling's bronze sculpture debut,
their works attracted the attention of
heavyweight collectors. In the picture, from left to right:
President Chen Wugang of Kelti Group,
President Chen Guohe of Jih Sun Group,
Artist Professor Lee Sun-Don.
In order for art lovers everywhere to appreciate the
memorable and charming bronze sculptures, X-Power Gallery hosts
the “Ma Sing Ling 'Predestined Affinity' Sculpture Exhibition for public showing.
Guests are cordially invited to visit and appreciate the artworks
from November 1 ~ November 30.

Predestined Affinity • Inspiration Is Around --
There is always something we can learn
from people around us. Ma Sing Ling   Bronze Sculpture 48x58x42.5cm 34kg  2012
Predestined Affinity • Concord --To express the affection and interaction between people
Ma Sing Ling   Bronze Sculpture 48x30x42.5cm 22kg  2012
Flying--High Ambition,showing self-expectation and confidence.
Ma Sing Ling   Bronze Sculpture 48x30x42.5cm 22kg  2012



Ma Sing Ling “Predestined Affinity”Sculpture Exhibition
Exhibition Dates:2012.11.01~11.30
Exhibition Location:GP DEVA Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery
1F & B1 No. 207, Dūnhuà North Rd, Taipei 105, Taiwan     +886-2-7706-8868
Website:www.gpdeva.com    www.xpower-gallery.com
More Ma Sing Ling News:

Radio Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKSjSPNkLKA


[展覽] 鐵焊柔情 - 余連春 Terracotta 土塑燒 雕塑專展 - 11/05~11/30 懂得藝術Savoir Art Gallerie

預展時間 : 11/05~11/12
展覽日期 : 11/13~11/30
訪談茶會 : 11/17(六) 3:00 p.m (專訪余連春)
參觀時間 : 周一至周五11:00~19:00    周日14:00~19:00
讓您將女人的柔情似水、清新脫俗、婀娜多姿、風情萬種 盡收眼底!

康嘉純  Karen Kang
M 0988-739898
T (02) 8502-5776
F (02) 8502-3329
10462 台北市中山區敬業一路128巷40號1樓
1F.,No.40,Ln.128,jingye 1st Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City,Taiwan

下列文字引用自藝術家個人網頁  敬請前往線上欣賞更多作品,或在 11/13~11/30 日親至懂得藝術,欣賞最新作品。



速塑除了必須具備有相當的 雕塑技巧外,也要有極高的敏銳度。其中難度是他近幾年一直在自我超越及自我挑戰。

 雕塑作品的精神絕對是來自於內在力與「架構」。「架構」是雕塑重要的基礎,人體的變化會隨著身體的擺動而牽動整體架構,凹凸肌理會呈現出耐人尋味的脈動。 雕塑世界裡,人體是重要的課題。架構揉和著創作氣質而釋放出點到為止的韻味,不急不徐、扎扎實實、誠懇樸實的一步一腳印,沒有譁眾取寵的爆點,卻有著自我 累積出的余連春藝術經驗。


1961     出生於台灣台北
1992     畢業於武藏野美術大學造形學部雕塑系
1994     畢業於日本大學藝術學部藝術研究所
1989     東京都小平中央公園野外雕塑展
1990     榮獲小山敬三美術振興財團,日本國內研修獎勵事業計劃第四回各美術大學推薦至白樺美術館清春藝術村自由研究製作
1991     日本銀座吉井畫廊展 /作品「人間的化石」日本高知雕塑公園收藏
1992     東京銀座三國六人展
1993     東京池袋第二回青年新進作家展
1994     獲名古屋豐田產業技術紀念館動態雕塑之主塑者殊榮
1995     沖繩久茂地都市開發株式會社縣立藝術大學雕塑系金援贊助駐日本沖繩研究製作
1996     第二回武藏野校友展
1997     高雄宅九新象九人展
1998     高雄宅九藝術中心元旦個展
1999     環保裝置藝術(新竹)
2000     台灣歷史博物館原住民館模型製作


2001     台灣、日本現代雕塑交流展在北投(陽明山國家公園遊客中心)
2002     淡水河岸設置戶外公共藝術雕塑「再現風華」作品「戲魚」
2004     成立「HARURU」教學工作室
2006     高雄新思惟人文空間「連春的土塑燒」個展
2007     日本五七五雕塑展 



A hat? Perhaps -(Works from Lee Sun Don of X-Power Gallery, Chanel and the Aran Islands)

Artist李善單 Lee Sun Don's ongoing works@X-Power Gallery, Taipei, the photo originated from  TT's facebook album (TT is manager of X-Power Gallery@Taipei)
(2012.10.26).6 作品進行中 artist:李善單 S.D.L— 在寶勝畫廊;影響力藝術中心

The Lee Sun Don and Ma Sing Ling (the 3-artist group) just won international art honor – being selected into the ROI 125th Annual Exhibition, The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI) in the United Kingdom. Click here for more details.   

Vision / Golden Woods • Bound-free Journey

Vision / The Home of Prosperity beyond the World  

In the movie, there was a scene Andrea keeps wandering on the street, and wearing a hat (by Chanel) . She is thinking whether to take the offer from Miranda, her boss, the chief of fashion Magazine. The invitation from Miranda is Andrea would be her assistant for the fashion week in Paris, while this will break the dream of Emily, another assistant, who was the first candidate of this job and she is eager for the trip.


 Picture originated from internet. Click here for more information.
  In the movie, Andrea did not answer directly, but the decision was made before destiny, or perhaps the hat!?

"French fashion icon Coco Chanel (1883-1971) went from being a struggling hat maker to being one of the fashion world's most recognizable names. Over the years, Chanel's simple, comfortable designs began to change the way 20th-century women dressed, freeing them of the stiff, uncomfortable trends of the past. Today, the empire that Coco built produces some of the most successful and coveted fashion items, headed by designer Karl Lagerfeld." (data source)

    "Qui qu'a vu coco?" (Who has seen Coco?)


I have a very similar style of hat which bought from the Aran islands, Galway, during my stay in Ireland 2004-2005.

The hat was of wool material and handmade. At first beginning, it was a gift for my father; while he rejected to accept the gift for thinking the style is for old men.
He is right, and also wrong about this point, since the men of the Aran islands, Ireland (different from the Scottish isle of Arran) really keep their culture traditional as original since the beginning.

More interesting article about The Aran Islands.
Wikipedia informaiton.
The patch cap hat, what I purchased then. 

Ragús - Green Grow The Rushes

Quote from Youtube: Fergal O'Murchú, accordianist and singer of Ragús, a group of musicians and dancers from the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland performing traditional Irish music, sings "Green Grow the Rushes" in this wonderful piano version. The word ragús is an Irish Gaelic word for 'desire' or 'urge'.

Ongoing process of the works, in X-Power Gallery, 


寶勝代理藝術家李善單教授與Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 同步入選「英國皇家油畫畫家協會」第125屆年度評選

 賀!寶勝代理藝術家李善單教授與Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲 同步入選
「英國皇家油畫畫家協會」 第125屆年度評選

亞洲百年來第一位以「個人油畫館」參展威尼斯雙年展的藝術家李善單教授,以及亞洲首團女子藝術三人組Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲──同步入選「英國皇家油畫畫家協會第125屆年度評選」(125th Annual Exhibition, The Royal Institute of Oil Painters), 再添國際榮耀。
位於倫敦、成立於1882年的「英國皇家油畫畫家協會」,在1909年由英國國王愛德華七世賜封「皇家」榮銜,足以顯示其在油畫藝 術領域的重要地位。




Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲:


Joy from the King(s) -Bohumil Hrabal & Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲

Joe come to me at the coffee shop of X-Power Gallery Taipei last Sunday. She just come back from Prague several days ago. She is a tour guide, and the last trip hit her fifth guidance for Taiwan tourists in Czech and the areas nearby.  During the simple and quick conversation by the table and free refilled herbal tea, the name of city, Prague was mentioned maybe just 2 or 3 times, and it made its way that afternoon.

I recalled one artwork "King" (by art group Ma Sing Ling this summer (2012)) and Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal's famous book "I served the King of the England"(我曾伺候過英國國王). Prague is the scenery set of this book.

Form of Unity/Purple Energy from the East‧King
Oil on Canvas 2012
100 X 200cm

"Hrabal's two best-known novels are Closely Observed Trains (Ostře sledované vlaky) (1965) and I Served the King of England (Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále), both of which were made into movies by the Czech director, Jiří Menzel (1966 and 2006, respectively). 
Menzel's adaptation of Closely Observed Trains won an Oscar in 1967." (Wiki data)

Ma Sing Ling (LA interview)

(Manihoo, SingWay and Ling Ling, left to right)
Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲 (Profile Origin)

Ma Sing Ling is a collaborative working team comprised of three young promising artists in Taiwan: MANIHOO, Singway and Ling Ling. These young artists have developed quite tacit understanding with one another, X-Power Gallery thus brings them together to spark new light. Their first attempt to create as a trio is “Form of Unity,” a series featuring the beauty of grandeur, magnificence, and incredible coherence. One of their creations in this series has been selected into the 159th Autumn Exhibition organized by Royal West of England Academy, United Kingdom (2011). More information, please check the Ma Sing Ling Website or X-Power Gallery.

Joe come to me at the X-Power Gallery that afternoon, and I remembered the essence from the book "I Served the King of England" is nothing but "Joy". 

Hrabal noted the joy comes from the death, by the story of the Czech attendant, who was inspired by English King or other dignitaries (even Ethiopia King) and engraved to seek for fame and fortune all his life, and finally got peace and joy upon his death, alone. 

While Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲, this collaborative art group of 3 artists from Taiwan, expressed the idea of joy and peach come from genuine King from our innate, by the painting "King" and their method of creation,  "Form of Unity".


Predestined Affinity (Sculpture exhibition) - Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲「緣來如此」雕塑展 - (2012.11.01 (Thu. 四)~11.30(Fri. 五))

Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲「緣來如此」雕塑展  

Title: 飛翔Flying  銅雕Bronze  (48x38x32cm) 2012

Artist 藝術家:Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲

時間:2012.11.01(Thu. 四)~11.30(Fri. 五)
地點:台北「香華天.新藝境 寶勝畫廊」 台北市敦化北路207號1F & B1
(X-Power Gallery, B1, No. 207, Dunhua N. Rd., Taipei 10595, Taiwan )
Tel: +886 2 7707 8299
Fax: +886 2 7706 0101



Caravaggio Midnight, 2006 by Cathy Pitts, American artist in Art Revolution Taipei 2012.

Cathy Pitts is a contemporary painter. 

She trained extensively in piano, dance, and acting which she fully integrated in the development of her work. In the late 70"s she designed stage sets at UCLA where she earned her BFA and later designed sets for the Palm Springs Dance Company. Cathy has painted for close to three decades. She is the protege of Kwok Wai Lau with whom she was mentored privately for six years. Kwok Wai Lau is a former faculty member of the International Art School, Hong Kong and guest lecturer for The Art Institute of Chicago and School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Cathy is exhibiting internationally.
Her paintings and sculptures are in private and public collections nationwide.
She was awarded "Best of Show" at The Palm Springs Art Museum's 37th National Exhibition. 

In the last seven years her award-winning work has been shown and awarded in 26 national and international exhibitions selected by many distinguished jurors in the art field, including world renowned art critics, Donald Kuspit, Phyllis Tuchman, and Kenneth Baker: museum curators of the Metropolitan, Museum of Modern Art/New York, Whitney, Guggenheim, Chrysler, Corcoran, Terra Museum of American Art, and Spertus Museum, as well as the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, the Walker Art Center, and the Art Student's League. 

Her work was also awarded "Best Oil Painting", by the Director of Education for the Paul Mellon Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, as well as selected by the Editor-in-Chiefs of "American Artist Magazine" and "The Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine". 

2006 - Cover Artist for the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylics Exhibition
2008 - First place Lenore Segan Award for New York's Joyce Dutka Arts Foundation 
2009 - National Visual Arts Competition and has showcased her work at the Hollis Taggart Gallery in Manhattan. 
2010 - commissioned artist for the Vail Jazz Festival. 
2011 - cover artist for the international CEO Compass Magazine where her paintings "Spring Dreams" and "Metamorphosis" are featured.  

Cathy Pitts Is currently debuting her work in Taipei as an invited featured international artist at Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T.) 台北新藝術博覽會 in the Taipei World Trade Center Show Hall 2 and is now exhibiting throughout Taiwan in the X-Power Gallery 寶勝畫廊in Taichung and Kaohsiung. More information about Cathy Pitts, please visit her ArtSlant's site: http://www.artslant.com/global/artists/show/132464-cathy-pitts?tab=PROFILE.



Communication brings realm - Artworks by Lee Sun Don, Liu Baojun and Mou Lu

Photographer李善單Lee Sun Don (Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery,),  Title: Smiling Area 3, Year: 2010, Medium: Chromogenic C-Print
Size: 60x40cm
Award Winning: 1.Winning Honorable Mentions in The 4rd DIGA Central North Georgia Digital Circuit, USA.  Accepted into 2.NAPSL 30th Anniversary International Photographic Exhibition, Sri Lanka. (Digital C-Print)  3.3rd Digital Photo Award "MAN and NATURE" 2010, Austria  4.Central Washington State Fair's 56th International Photographic Exhibition, USA.


Enchanting Splendor‧Promising Artists Group Exhibition
Time: Oct. 06~ 28, 2012
Venue: Frontier Art & X-Power Gallery, Taipei(B1, No. 207, Dunhua North Road, Taipei)
TEL: 02-7707-8299 

Snow Patrol- Light Up


Train Nostalgia火車老味道 - Artist Lee Sun Don 李善單 - X-Power Gallery

Train Nostalgia

by Carson McCullers (1917-1967), 
Look Homeward, Americans

It is a curious emotion, 
this certain homesickness I have in mind. 
With Americans, it is a national trait, 
as native to us as the roller coaster or the jukebox.
It is no simple longing for the home town or country of our birth. 
The emotion is Janusfaced: 
we are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar 
and an urge for the foreign and strange. 
As  often as not, we are homesick most for the places
we have never known.


In honor of art
Artist Lee Sun Don李善單
Installation 2011


亞洲首個女子藝術創作團體瑪馨玲MaSingLing 美國首展-洛杉磯比佛利美術館(10/14-12/14)

http://news.sina.com 2012年10月10日 05:23 中國日報 (記者楊婷╱洛杉磯報導)[下圖瑪馨玲入圍 美國第10屆年度超現實視覺以及精神藝術評選展 得獎作品 - 合氣一相/金彩藍得‧龍騰虎躍,, 更多資訊請參訪網站 (英文版) www.caladangallery.com 

亞洲首個女子藝術創作團體瑪馨玲 Ma Sing Ling 美國首展,將於14日(周日)在洛杉磯比佛利美術館開幕,展覽一直延續到12月14日,歡迎民衆前往欣賞。   
由台灣新鋭藝術家張心禹(MANIHOO)、王馨薇(Singway)與鄭如玲(Ling Ling)所組成的Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲創作三人組,雖然成軍時間不長,但她們的雕塑及藝術作品氣勢磅礡,獲重量級收藏家青睞,更是獲得國際藝術獎項不斷,可謂台灣之光!

下圖是瑪馨玲Ma Sing Ling 與收藏家 陳武剛董事長、陳國和總裁、指導老師李善單 (Sun Don Lee) 教授合影 圖片來源取自瑪馨玲臉書粉絲團]



畫展將於10月15日開始在比佛利畫廊展出,地址為 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 125, Beverly Hills,CA 90210,喜歡藝術創作和收藏的民衆千萬不要錯過,詳情可以上網 www.gpdeva.com 或者 www.xpower-gallery.com 查詢。

 (下圖為台北寶勝畫廊目前展出的瑪馨玲油畫與雕塑作品,以及李善單Sun Don Lee 老師的最新作品一景,圖片取自寶勝畫廊經理童勝和(TT) 臉書資料)

下圖為 洛杉磯比佛利美術館 線上地圖 (9601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 125, Beverly Hills,CA 90210)



懂得藝術Savoir Gallerie 2012 十月新展10/03~10/31 - 黃弘道 - 陽光、人群,莎拉曼加

黃弘道1997年於西班牙薩拉曼加藝術大學碩士畢業,由於非常熱愛薩城的人群及生活, 之後又多次利用暑假返回西班牙居住,因此異鄉反而成為鄉愁的對象。 爾後黃老師醉心於薩城人群的描繪,不僅將心中的人群意象呈現出來, 更有一種情感更迭的自在,在心靈上增加了空間感和不同層次的領悟。
在展出中,每一件作品並不是單獨存在的,而是提供了一個空間, 是外在的也是內心的,讓人們能走進去重新思考人群。
展覽日期:10/03~10/31 開幕茶會:10/13(六)下午3~7點 營業時間:周一至周六11:00~19:00 周日14:00~19:00