李善單Lee Sun-Don & Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲
New Year Joint Exhibition of Lee Sun-Don and Ma Sing Ling
Affinity upon Affinity‧Master vis-à-vis Pupils

展覽日期:2013.2.10 (日)~2.17(日)
展覽地點:緣道觀音廟 雷門藝術中心 (新北市淡水區安子內3號)
Dates: February 10 (sun.)–17 (sun.), 2013
Hours: 10:00~18:00
Venue: Ryan Art Center, Yuan-Dao Kuan-Yin Temple
(No.3, Anzinei, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan)
X-Power Gallery Website
【Notice】Happy New Year!
Branches of the X-Power Gallery closed for Chinese Lunar New Year as follows:
Taipei: February 08~20
Taichung & Kaohsiung: February 06~14(Gallery opens at 2:00 PM, February 15)
Beverly Hills: February 09~10
Shanghai: February 04~20
Hong Kong: February 04~26
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.