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2016 International Artist Grand Prize Competition: 全球藝術界年度盛事 「2016國際藝術家大獎賽」即日起受理報名 首獎與畫廊獎藝術家 可獲台北新藝術博覽會個展展位

  • 2016 International Artist Grand Prize Competition
  • The Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association has organized one of Asia’s top art contests, the International Art Competition (I.A.C.), since 2011. The organizer is now combining I.A.C. together with Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T.), the most important platform of art exchange in Taiwan, to promote individual artists to the international market. The combined power of both of these unrivaled art outlets will result in more opportunities of sponsorship, exhibition and sale. For more details regarding the I.A.C. and A.R.T., please refer to the official website.
    Entry Deadline:November 30, 2015
    Organizer:Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association
    Co-organizer:GP Deva Pull-Zen International Inc. (X-Power Gallery)
    Eligibility:Open to all artists over 18 years old
    Finalists will be announced on the website on November 30, 2015.
    Finalists:All accepted entries will be exhibited for sale in the A.R.T. 2016 fair.
    Championship:The juror will select ONE artist to participate in the International Artist Salon in A.R.T 2017. X-Power Gallery will sponsor the winner two free exhibition units (9m2 for each) and the round-trip transportation fees of the selected artworks.
    Gallery Award:The juror will select SOME artist to participate in the International Artist Salon in A.R.T 2017. X-Power Gallery will sponsor the winner one to two free exhibition units (9m2 for each) and the return-trip transportation fees of the selected artworks..
    Award Ceremony and Exhibition:
    The organizer will announce the Award winners at the official website by Apr 26, 2016.
    All accepted artworks will be displayed during A.R.T. 2015, Apr 21 to Apr 25, 2016.
    Entry Form of Art Competition Download

全球藝術界年度盛事 「2016國際藝術家大獎賽」即日起受理報名 首獎與畫廊獎藝術家 可獲台北新藝術博覽會個展展位

(中央社訊息服務20150626 14:18:56)由社團法人台灣國際當代藝術家協會主辦、台北新藝術博覽會協辦的「國際藝術家大獎賽」,即日起至開始受理報名,全球年滿18歲以上的頂尖藝術創作者均可參賽,入圍藝術家作品除了將在2016台北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei 2016)展出,贏得首獎及畫廊獎之藝術家,可再獲得2017台北新藝術博覽會之個展展位。


除了備受國際藝術家肯定與支持,「國際藝術家大獎賽」更是參賽者嶄露頭角的絕佳舞台──協辦的台北新藝術博覽會,不但讓參展藝術家的超水準之作得以展出,並協助藝術家開拓亞洲巿場,獲取更多展覽、銷售及代理的機會。諸如:2013年榮獲首獎的俄羅斯藝術家Jeni bev Biktimirova,在連續參展2014及2015台北新藝術博覽會後表示:「這是很大的激勵,也讓我獲得許多創作靈感。」同時她也說出了新生代藝術家的心聲:「我自己便是受到大會支持和幫助的藝術家,希望其他的藝術家也可以得到這樣的機會。」此外,今年「畫廊獎」得主之一的土耳其藝術家Mustafa Yuce,則因此獲得當地媒體大幅報導,聲名大噪!

2016年「國際藝術家大獎賽」即日起開始受理報名,至2015年10月31日截止,全球年滿18歲以上的藝術創作者皆可報名參賽。入圍作品預定於2015年11月30日於台北新藝術博覽會官網www.arts.org.tw公布,並可於2016年4月21日至4月25日於2016台北新藝術博覽會中展出。得獎藝術家都可參加第七屆台北新藝術博覽會「國際藝術家沙龍大展」,並由X-Power gallery贊助個展展位,首獎一名可獲兩個展位,畫廊獎為一至兩個展位。

2011年首屆便一鳴驚人的台北新藝博覽會,「以藝術家為核心」首創的新概念,打破全球藝博會以畫廊為主的慣例,讓藝術家成為主角。在藝術總監李善單的精心規劃下,展現配置、設計都以藝術家及其作品為中心,因此每一展位就是一位藝術家的個展,打造出亞洲首屈一指的國際藝術展會:2011年的首屆展會一鳴驚人,藝術家成交率89.66%,直逼全球頂級巴塞爾博覽會;第二屆藝術家成交率高達91.18%,再創新高,法國頂尖藝術家Philippe Psaqua等人作品銷售一空,並獲歐美頂尖藝術家Gabriel Picart、 Luigi Pellanda、Dennis Wojtkiewicz等人一致好評;2013年吸引更多藏家現身,許多藝術家作品在VIP之夜即被全數收藏;2014年更以93.21%藝術家成交率,打破全球藝博會紀錄!2015年展會大膽挑戰母親節檔期,仍然成功吸引超過兩萬人次進場觀展,其中新藏家比例超過八成;大會並以鐵血折扣破巿場陋習,獲得藝術家與買家全面支持,寫下藝術家成交率為84.89%,共236位藝術家成交的成績。主辦單位的用心經營,讓台北新藝術博覽會已然成為亞洲最具指標性與口碑的平台,並在買家心目中建立起「絕對品牌」,每年展位更是一位難求。


Art Revolution Taipei 2016
公眾展覽:2016. 4.22~4.23 12:00~20:00 
       2016. 4.24 11:00~19:00
      2016. 4.25 12:00~20:00
展覽地點:台北世貿三館 台北市松壽路6號
網 址:www.arts.org.tw 


Chinese Talk - 李善單 Lee Sun Don - Wonderful Attainment/Soaring Dragon, Boundless Empire


"Chinese dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and folklore.

In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs.
In yin and yang terminology, a dragon is yang and complements a yin fenghuang ("Chinese phoenix").

Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods
The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck. With this, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength.

In Chinese daily language, excellent and outstanding people are compared to the dragon while incapable people with no achievements are compared with other, disesteemed creatures, such as the worm. A number of Chinese proverbs and idioms feature references to the dragon, for example: "Hoping one's son will become a dragon" (望子成龍, i.e. be as a dragon). "

Quoted from Wikipedia, please click here for more information.

Guanyin Bodhisattva @YuanDao Guanyin Temple@ Danshui, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Distinguished for the Virtue of Compassion, showing up before whomever calls for help, bestowing health peace, family harmony, and prosperous prospects.


Andrejus Kovelinas- Artist in 2013 Art Revolution Taipei (台北新藝術博覽會,A.R.T.) 參展藝術家(愛爾蘭)

    2013 Art Revolution Taipei

Nostalgia 鄉愁, oil on canvas, 40x80
(This pic referenced from http://www.artnishe.com/figurative.htm )

Artist Profile:  Andrejus Kovelinas graduated from high art school in Kishinau, Lithuania in 1978. Over the years Andrejus has distinguished himself in art circles across Europe, taking part in several exhibitions in countries such as his native Lithuania, Russia, France and Sweden. 
A master of his craft, he moved to Ireland
with his family in 2003 and his paintings are on on-going display here at The Green Gallery. As well as many other subjects Andrius paints women. 
When it comes to painting women Andrejus takes great joy from this subject and will continue to pursue painting extraordinary works of beautiful women as long as he will be able to paint. He believes women are designed amazingly by our Creator.
Style and techniques as such are not that important to him. When he sets out to begin a painting he is able to vary the technique and style and then go to work on it. 
And although he does not strive to fulfill any particular style, He tries to add his own experiences and knowledge. The finished product is left up to the people to judge and measure. It is good to know that there are people out there who love Andrejus's work. Deep down he knows, that when a person buys his work and hangs it up on their wall, receiving constant light, charged with God's energy and love, both Andrejus and the viewer have mutual satisfaction between them taking place.