
Result of the 2013 International Art Competiton

Result of the 2013 International Art Competiton

This is a moment to celebrate for Taiwan now has the honor to take a look at the artworks of the best thriving artists from around the world. There are estimated 2,462 pieces of artworks submitted for the 2013 International Art Competition created by artists from 50 different countries. The numbers talk. Not only is this tremendous feedback a huge triumph for the artists who now have the opportunity to introduce their work to the collectors in Taiwan, but also a great encouragement for Taiwan International Contemporary Association. The winner of this completion will get the chance to exhibit his/her artwork at the 2014 Art Revolution Taipei in a 9-meter square booth.
42 outstand in this extremely competitive contest and will be exhibited from 3rd May until the 6th 2013 at Art Revolution Taipei. One of the finalists will be announced winner at the VIP night, 2nd May. It is our upmost pleasure inviting you to join us and indulge yourself in this feast of fine art.
The following is the list of the selected artists and their artworks listed in alphabetical order by the nationalities and the names of the artists. 

Kuan-Ying Wu (Taiwan)
Discovery Park
Acrylic on Canvas
Maciej Gador (Poland)
Oil on Canvas
Sin-Cih Jiang (Taiwan)
Oil on Canvas
Yu-Qiang, Zhao (China)
Oil on Canvas
Věra Tataro (Czech)
Acrylic on canvas
Hellen Constante (Ecuador)
My job is
Oil on Canvas
Uwe Castens (Germany)
Acrylic on canvas
Wladimir Barantschickov (Germany)
Oil on Canvas
Anthony Moman (Italy)
Unfinished business
Acrylic on canvas
Sohan Jakhar (India)
Acrylic on canvas
91.4x91.4 cm
Surender Singh (India)
Acrylic on canvas
Manish Sutaar (India)
In Transition VI
Manish Sutaar (India)
In Transition XVI
Vasu Srinuvasurao (India)
Passion of their desire
Acrylic on canvas
Mulyo Gunarso (Indonesia)
Elegy of Nest #2
Acrylic on canvas
Rayka (Japan)
Acrylic on canvas
Aivars Kisnics (Latvia)
Without titled 393
Oil on Canvas
Kiew-Hang, Hoo (Malaysia)
Budda and Jesus at Night and Sun
Acrylic on canvas
Victoria Rueda (Mexico)
Oil on Canvas
Martin Hardy (Mexico)
Acrylic and Mixed
37x27.7 cm
Maciej Gador (Poland)
Oil on Canvas
65x73 cm
Gierlak lukasz (Poland)
Oil on Canvas
Bartosz Fraczek (Poland)
City Lights 1
Oil on Canvas
60x90 cm
Bartosz Fraczek (Poland)
City Lights 2
Oil on Canvas
60x90 cm
Jaime Guilherme Brance de Carvalho (Portugal)
One of seven, Avarice
Acrylic on canvas
Mamkaeva Maria Alexeevna (Russia)
Russian Winter
Oil on Canvas
Jeni bev Biktimirova (Russia)
Indian Woman
Watercolor and ink
Baxx Vlada Pantelic(Serbia)
Angels, pump it up
Acrylic on canvas
Ana Cvejic (Serbia)
Acrylic on canvas
Ivan Jorda (Spain)
Was it a dream
Oil on Canvas
Yu-Fang, Ma (Taiwan)
「Modern indigenous people」- Go to McDonald's NO.1
Acrylic on canvas
Yu-Fang, Ma (Taiwan)
「Modern indigenous people」- Go to McDonald's NO.2
Acrylic on canvas
De-Shing Liou (Taiwan)
Acrylic on canvas
Ping-Rong Chen (Taiwan)
I am a chief
Acrylic and oil on Canvas
Leila Shili (Tunisia)
Acrylic on canvas
Ihsan Otrmak (Turkey)
Sorgu and Monolog2
Oil on Canvas
Serhiy Savchenko (Ukraine)
Oil on Canvas
Loredana Messina (UK)
Sutera Rabato Antico
Oil on Canvas
49x69 cm
Loredana Messina (UK)
Villaggio antico
Oil on Canvas
Steven Driscoll Hixson (U.S.A)
Monoprint (oil based)
Emlyne Tan (U.S.A)
Respect, Sympathy and Enthusiasm
Acrylic on Canvas
Brent Thomas (U.S.A)
Go get you an education
Yu-Jen Liu (Taiwan)
Aura in the Landscape 3
Oil on Canvas
Wei-Ming Chen (Taiwan)
Image of the City 1
Oil on Canvas
Chieh-Ti Chang (Taiwan)
Swan’s dream

亞洲最大藝術賽事 50國藝術家激烈角逐 「2013國際藝術家評選賽」 入圍名單公佈
由社團法人臺灣國際當代藝術家協會所主辦,臺北新藝術博覽會協辦的「2013國際藝術家評選賽」,公佈入圍名單,今年計有45件優秀的作品脫穎而 出,獲得評審的青睞。這些入圍作品將於201353日至6日在「2013臺北新藝術博覽會」中展出,並於52VIP之夜公佈優秀藝術家得主,獲選 藝術家將可獲得「2014臺北新藝術博覽會」9平方公尺的展位空間舉行個展。

國際藝術家評選賽已是全世界極具口碑、聲名遠播的國際級藝術大賽,也是各國新銳藝術家心目中高水準的藝術賽事之一,相較於2010年,有來自世界各 地21個國家的參賽者報名,今年國家數更增加至50國,主辦單位表示,今年的評選賽競爭激烈,已有2,462件作品參賽,作品風格多元,創意十足。決選入 圍的45件作品將於「2013第三屆臺北新藝術博覽會」中公開展出,52日由評選團選出的第一名優秀藝術家得主將可獲得「2014臺北新藝術博覽會」9 平方公尺的展出空間舉行個展。

亞洲頂尖藝術賽事「國際藝術家評選賽」自2011年起由臺灣當代藝術家協會承接主辦,目的在於鼓勵藝術家盡情發揮創意與繪畫功力,讓藝術家有更多的 展出舞臺。2012年更結合目前臺灣最大的藝術交流平臺──臺北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei),協助個人藝術家開拓更多展出、銷售及代理之機會。本屆入圍藝術家及作品已於2013331日在臺北新藝術博覽會官方網站(www.arts.org.tw)公佈。

2011年首屆舉辦即造成國際藝術圈極大的轟動的「Art Revolution Taipei 臺北新藝術博覽會」,今年已邁入第三屆。經歷兩屆巨大的成功,臺北新藝博會已成為國內外最大型且最國際化的藝術活動之一,為了能突破上一屆的成 績,2013的臺北新藝博除承續前兩屆的特色,並以「蛻變」為本屆藝博會主題,以前所未見的多項創新,期望參展藝術家們,都能夠突破窠臼,再創高峰。不斷 要求藝術家要自我超越的主辦單位,今年的「蛻變」的展覽主題將帶給藝術家全新的創意挑戰,而一定比例的學術性、實驗性、前衛性的藝術展示內容,也將帶給觀 眾耳目一新的感受。

2013臺北新藝術博覽會一規劃為九大展區,分別為:「經典綜合區」、「臺灣當代藝術」、「中國當代藝術」、「國際當代藝術」、「紐約當代藝術基金」、「2013國際藝術家評選賽特展」、「藝企相投藝企風發」、「文創藝術區」及「藝出慈悲」等九大展區。第三屆臺北新藝術博覽會,將於53日至6 日,於臺北世貿三館盛大展出,世界各地熱愛藝術的愛藝者,絕不能錯過這場頂級的藝術饗宴。

Loredana Messina (英國)Steven Driscoll Hixson (美國)Emlyne Tan (美國)Brent Thomas (美國)Anthony Moman (義大利)Uwe Castens (德國)Wladimir Barantschickov (德國)Rayka (日本)Mamkaeva Maria Alexeevna (俄羅斯)Jeni bev Biktimirova (俄羅斯)Maciej Gador (波蘭)Gierlak lukasz (波蘭)Bartosz Fraczek (波蘭)Leila Shili (突尼西亞)Ihsan Otrmak (土耳其)Serhiy Savchenko (烏克蘭)Věra Tataro (捷克) Hellen Constante (厄瓜多) Aivars Kisnics (拉托維亞)Kiew-Hang, Hoo (馬來西亞)Victoria Rueda (墨西哥)Martin Hardy (墨西哥)Jaime de Carvalho (土耳其)Baxx Vlada Pantelic(塞爾維亞)Ana Cvejic (塞爾維亞)Ivan Jorda (塞爾維亞)、趙玉強 (中國)、馬郁芳(臺灣)、劉得興(臺灣)、陳品蓉(臺灣)、胡久漢(臺灣)、劉育仁(臺灣)、江馨慈(臺灣)、吳冠瑩(臺灣)、陳偉銘(臺灣)、張絜迪 (臺灣)Sohan Jakhar (印度)Surender Singh (印度)Manish Sutaar (印度)Vasu Srinuvasurao (印度)Mulyo Gunarso (印度)

Art Revolution Taipei 2013 臺北新藝術博覽會展覽資訊
VIP之夜:2013.5.2  19:00~22:00
展覽日期:2013.5.3~5.6  12:00~20:00
展出地點:臺北世貿三館 臺北市信義區松壽路6


預展 Preview : 寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery 與2013 台北新藝術博覽會 Art Revolution Taipei 合作預展

寶勝畫廊與2013 台北新藝術博覽會合作預展

晶華酒店、台北寶勝畫廊陸續展開 頂尖藝術創作 不容錯過

5月3~6日即將登場的「第三屆台北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei 2013;A.R.T. 2013;簡稱2013台北新藝博)」,為了讓愛藝人士先睹為快,主辦單位特於晶華酒店及台北寶勝畫廊舉辦兩場預展,分別為寶勝代理藝術家李善單、瑪馨玲、呂嫦謀聯展及法國當代藝術大師Philippe Pasqua菲力普‧巴斯夸個展,讓國內愛藝者搶先欣賞全球頂尖藝術創作。

今年已屆第三年的台北新藝術博覽會,已成為國內重要藝術大展之一。這場獨特且創新的藝博會:以藝術家為核心、藝術家自身為品牌的策展理 念,獲得包括台灣在內的全球藝術家贊同與迴響,因此第三屆更吸引來自全球42國、237位藝術家參展,其中更包括當今國際藝壇上的頂尖藝術家 Philippe Pasqua菲力普‧巴斯夸來台參展。

名列法國藝術家收入排名第一的菲力普‧巴斯夸,曾獲選為「2011法國最佳藝術家」,為當今國際藝壇上極為出色的藝術家。2013 年初,菲力普‧巴斯夸更與另一頂尖當代藝術家 Damien Hirst達明‧赫斯特盛大展出雙人聯展,其在國際藝壇的份量與地位可見一斑!

法國當代藝術大師Philippe Pasqua 
 Philippe Pasqua菲力普‧巴斯夸

1965年出生的菲力普‧巴斯夸成名甚早,自90年代起即在美國、倫敦、巴黎等地展出,作品並為法國Cartier基金會、莫斯科博物 館、韓國三星美術館收藏。他的雕塑作品常以骷髏為題材,最經典的作品,即是結合蝴蝶的骷髏作品,驚豔紐約收藏家!如此揉合精緻與誇張、冷靜又極戲劇性、讓 美學與寧靜伴隨死亡與暴力威嚇的表現形式,正是巴斯夸的典型創作!此外,巴斯夸擅長以率直的風格描繪人物,畫中主角多半為兒童、同性戀者、重症病患,或是 接受變性手術的弱勢族群,畫面極具衝擊性,並深刻傳達出畫中人物的內在精神。

他以「Aora」為名的油畫系列,便是以一個充滿神秘感的小女孩為主角。而這個系列的作品大多為大畫,以黯淡的粉紅、灰黑和深藍為基 調,流動交織出一幅幅生命之作,同時展現藝術家內心世界的另一面。「Aora」系列去年曾來台,與其他38件創作於台北新藝術博覽會展出。在震懾全場之 餘,Pasqua的所有作品銷售一空!其中巨幅畫作「Aora」被台灣重量級收藏家大手筆購入。

去年應台北新藝術博覽會邀請,首次前來亞洲舉辦個展的法國當紅藝術大師Philippe Pasqua菲力普‧巴斯夸,今年再度受邀來台參加此一藝術盛會,並率先在台北寶勝畫廊舉辦預展,讓全台灣愛藝者先睹為快!

展出主題:2013 A.R.T.預展-法國藝術大師Philippe Pasqua 個展
展出地點:台北寶勝畫廊X-Power Gallery

去年與A.R.T.主辦單位合作「百大名人預展」的晶華酒店 Regent Taipei,其B2的麗晶精品,以「打造品味生活平台、發揚精品時尚工藝」為經營理念,去年展出「百大名人預展」得到許多時尚人士及顧客的驚喜與迴響,今年再次與台北新藝術博覽會合作,除了4月將舉行「百大名人預展」外,3月15日起將先推出 2013 A.R.T.畫作預展,此次將展出台北新藝術博覽會的藝術總監李善單教授及Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲女子藝術三人組、呂嫦謀等創作聯展,讓愛藝民眾更多一處欣賞畫作的空間,麗晶精品也期望展現推崇人文奢風華以及生活藝術的精神。

李善單教授此次將展出最新創作《妙得江山》、及《聖蓮花女寶》兩大系列。《妙得江山》是藝術家以「心靈之眼」寫意的風景創作,意境上是 用心靈在看,並不是用寫實在看。透過心靈觀看居處的每一個角度、每一個方向及每一個位置上的美感,再將它們呈現在畫作中,讓觀者體會自在與悠閒的趣味。取 材對象包括五台山、普陀山、峨眉山、西藏、九華山、長城、淡水、西湖、大峽谷、巴黎等聖地名勝。《聖蓮花女寶》則是以人物為主題,運用生動活潑、簡潔有力 的筆觸描繪女子的形貌及神情百態,襯以色彩飽和的背景,和看似隨意的線條,勾勒畫中人的肢體動作,讓觀者體會具象的美感。
李善單 Lee Sun-Don 《聖蓮花女寶》

由張心禹(MANIHOO)、王馨薇(Singway)與鄭如玲(Ling Ling)所組成的Ma Sing Ling瑪馨玲創作三人組,目前台灣藝術界和收藏界已是炙手可熱,每逢舉辦畫展,便有許多藏家親自前來。瑪馨玲的創作,「充分挑戰顏料的流動與自由性」為 最大特色,除了早先的油彩顏料之外,近來更嚐試以不同的顏料進行創作,例如壓克力顏料,隨著一次又一次、一層又一層色彩鋪陳,隨著顏料色彩不可預測的自由 流轉,讓每一幅「合氣一相」系列作品在抽象中展現大自然的律動與壯濶!
瑪馨玲/MaSingLing 合氣一相 2013/大鴻金運來  丙烯 畫布 2013  145 X 145cm

呂嫦謀擅長以符號化的意象表現繪畫中的主體,以拼貼的技巧使畫面展現層次感,且不強調景深——抽離了背景之後,每位觀賞者都能代入其 中、彷彿是旁觀者同時也是畫中人、物,也使得畫作對於觀賞者而言是直接表達友善而坦率的態度。她的最新創作《女人香‧朋友》,仍然給人人「女人如花花似 夢」的纯潔與光芒,並運特別運用『鑽石』,在璀璨的光下引出當下時尚感。在畫作中娓娓訴說女人間的真摯友情。
呂嫦謀Mou Lu《女人香‧朋友》

展出主題:2013 A.R.T.預展-李善單、瑪馨玲、呂嫦謀聯展
展出地點:晶華酒店 麗晶精品 B2

Art Revolution Taipei 2012 第三屆 台北 
Art Revolution Taipei 2013
第三屆 台北新藝術博覽會

貴賓預展:2013/05/02       19:00 am~22:00 pm
公眾展覽:2013/05/03~06  12:00 am~20:00 pm
展覽地點:台北世貿三館 台北市松壽路6號

Chinese Talk - Lee Sun Don 李善單 - Wonderful Attainment / Toward Ten Achievements

Wonderful Attainment / Toward Ten Achievements
Year: 2012 Medium: Oil on Canvas  Size: 145x145cm (100F)

How do you define perfection?

In Chinese culture, people use ten, said number 10 to describe 100% or perfect.
Also, in the decimal numeral system, when the number reaches 10, it then becomes or levels up to another "1".

In artist 李善單 Lee  Sun Don's recent work, "Wonderful Attainment / Toward Ten Achievements", we have 9 mountains in the frame, and when we start to count, 1, 2, 3......, 8, and 9, and the last number 10 can just come to you since there is no other path but only you, and then you become the "one" such as it is. 十大一如。

The symbol of 9-mountains in the Lee's world also refers to Mount Jiuhua in AnHui Province where is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples dedicated to Ksitigarbha (known in Chinese as Dìzàng, Chinese: 地藏, in Japanese as Jizō, source from Wikipedia)

The elements, mountains (read as Shan), boats in the river (read as jiang), and temples or shrimps (read as Miao4) and you, the viewer, all combine together to achieve the perfection!

More numbers in Mandarin language?  Try first, one, 一....................

Wonderful Attainment / Forshang—The One and Only
(by Artist Lee Sun Don李善單)


大音希聲 一鳴驚人 [2013 台北新藝術博覽會A.R.T 藝術總監 李善單 給藝術家們的信]





驚喜的事就是有~ 〝預備性〞報名才四十天,台灣區不但額滿,而且溢佔到國際區的展位。

來自法國當代藝術排名第一藝術家Philippe Pasqua 的創作,





2013 台北新藝博會 藝術家展位圖


2013 A.R.T. Preview‧Philippe Pasqua 2013.3.8~3.31 X-Power Gallery Taipei

Philippe Pasqua (French, b.1965) is a self-taught painter and sculptor with a penchant for capturing the fleeting nature of mortal existence. He was born in Grasse, France. 

His new selection of art works for 2013 Art Revolution Taipei is previewed on 3/8-3/31 at X-Power Gallery,  Taipei

The artist paints nudes and facial portraits, and he also creates sculptures using materials such as human skulls and dried butterflies. All of his works tend to highlight the ugliness behind beauty, the profanity in the midst of reverence, and the eventual helplessness of the powerful. This motivation accounts for his selection of subjects. Disabled individuals, Down's syndrome sufferers, and transsexual candidates prepped for surgery all find their way to Pasqua's canvasses.
(Sourced from here)

Given his frantic brushstroke style and preference for black and blue shades, the artist’s portrait subjects can look as though they have been beaten, though Pasqua leaves the viewers to form their own interpretations. Clementine is one such example of this portrayal. 
Likewise, Pasqua represents animals in a solitary setting, as though abandoned, exemplified by his 2009 oil painting entitled Purdey. Also an accomplished pencil drawer, Pasqua focuses primarily on faces: some disturbed, others depressed, and still others frightened. Laura is a drawing of a mentally handicapped woman who—as the artist's website suggests—Pasqua may have known personally. The artist’s interest in skulls is manifest in his sculpted works. Whether gilding them with gold or tattooing them, Pasqua makes human destiny clear to all who will look upon his skulls.

Although he did not intentionally plan to follow an artistic tradition, Pasqua is said to be firmly planted in Vanitas. This artistic movement, represented by Damien Hirst (British, b.1965), stresses emptiness and the shallow, temporary nature of life's pleasures. Since 1990, Pasqua has exhibited his works all over the world. Beginning with the Maison des arts de Beausset in France, his art has travelled to Paris, Barcelona, Brussels, and Hamburg. In February 2012, Pasqua brought his skulls, comprising his Vanities series, to London's Opera Gallery. 

Source from here

Lucian Freud (British, 1922–2011) once said, "The role of the artist is to disturb the human being." Critical acclaim suggests that Pasqua fills that role adequately. His representatives include Patrick Painter, Inc. of Santa Monica, CA. Pasqua lives in a suburb of Paris. [Originated from here.]

X-Power Gallery, Taipei [寶勝畫廊, 台北]


New Year Joint Exhibition of Lee Sun-Don and Ma Sing Ling Affinity upon Affinity‧Master vis-à-vis Pupils

李善單Lee Sun-Don & Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲

New Year Joint Exhibition of Lee Sun-Don and Ma Sing Ling
Affinity upon Affinity‧Master vis-à-vis Pupils

展覽日期:2013.2.10 (日)~2.17(日)
展覽地點:緣道觀音廟 雷門藝術中心 (新北市淡水區安子內3號)

Dates: February 10 (sun.)–17 (sun.), 2013
Hours: 10:00~18:00
Venue: Ryan Art Center, Yuan-Dao Kuan-Yin Temple
(No.3, Anzinei, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan)

X-Power Gallery Website
【Notice】Happy New Year!
Branches of the X-Power Gallery closed for Chinese Lunar New Year as follows:
Taipei: February 08~20
Taichung & Kaohsiung: February 06~14(Gallery opens at 2:00 PM, February 15)
Beverly Hills: February 09~10
Shanghai: February 04~20
Hong Kong: February 04~26
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Chinese Talk - 李善單 Lee Sun Don - Wonderful Attainment/Soaring Dragon, Boundless Empire


"Chinese dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and folklore.

In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs.
In yin and yang terminology, a dragon is yang and complements a yin fenghuang ("Chinese phoenix").

Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods
The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck. With this, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength.

In Chinese daily language, excellent and outstanding people are compared to the dragon while incapable people with no achievements are compared with other, disesteemed creatures, such as the worm. A number of Chinese proverbs and idioms feature references to the dragon, for example: "Hoping one's son will become a dragon" (望子成龍, i.e. be as a dragon). "

Quoted from Wikipedia, please click here for more information.

Guanyin Bodhisattva @YuanDao Guanyin Temple@ Danshui, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Distinguished for the Virtue of Compassion, showing up before whomever calls for help, bestowing health peace, family harmony, and prosperous prospects.


Andrejus Kovelinas- Artist in 2013 Art Revolution Taipei (台北新藝術博覽會,A.R.T.) 參展藝術家(愛爾蘭)

    2013 Art Revolution Taipei

Nostalgia 鄉愁, oil on canvas, 40x80
(This pic referenced from http://www.artnishe.com/figurative.htm )

Artist Profile:  Andrejus Kovelinas graduated from high art school in Kishinau, Lithuania in 1978. Over the years Andrejus has distinguished himself in art circles across Europe, taking part in several exhibitions in countries such as his native Lithuania, Russia, France and Sweden. 
A master of his craft, he moved to Ireland
with his family in 2003 and his paintings are on on-going display here at The Green Gallery. As well as many other subjects Andrius paints women. 
When it comes to painting women Andrejus takes great joy from this subject and will continue to pursue painting extraordinary works of beautiful women as long as he will be able to paint. He believes women are designed amazingly by our Creator.
Style and techniques as such are not that important to him. When he sets out to begin a painting he is able to vary the technique and style and then go to work on it. 
And although he does not strive to fulfill any particular style, He tries to add his own experiences and knowledge. The finished product is left up to the people to judge and measure. It is good to know that there are people out there who love Andrejus's work. Deep down he knows, that when a person buys his work and hangs it up on their wall, receiving constant light, charged with God's energy and love, both Andrejus and the viewer have mutual satisfaction between them taking place.



Chinese Talk:Wonderful Attainment / The Wonder of Converging Spirituality

Wonderful Attainment / The Wonder of Converging Spirituality
2013/Oil on Canvas/100x50cm

Wind erosion (風化, feng hua4) is a major geomorphological force, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. It is also a major source of land degradation, evaporation, desertification, harmful airborne dust, and crop damage—especially after being increased far above natural rates by human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture.  (Wikipedia)

風 (feng) Wind (How to write, Simplified Chinese), any natural force; in Chinese culture, "風 feng" could mean the trend, scene, information, anything could change the phase of matters in time, and like the insect in the cave. 
化 (hua4) convert. (How to write)
 Sand could be converted from rocks by wind erosion and any other forces.



2013 International Art Competition 國際藝術家評選賽 (Entry Deadline 2.28.2013)

2013 國際藝術家評選賽 (2013 International Art Competition)

The Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association has organized one of Asia’s top art contests, the International Art Competition (I.A.C.), since 2011. The organizer is now combining I.A.C. Together with Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T.), the most important platform of art exchange in Taiwan, to promote individual artists to the international market. The combined power of both of these unrivaled art outlets will result in more opportunities of sponsorship, exhibition and sale.

亞洲頂尖藝術賽事「國際藝術家評選賽」自2011年起由台灣當代藝術家協會承接主辦,結合目前台灣最大的藝術交流平台-台北新藝術博覽會(Art Revolution Taipei),協助個人藝術家開拓更多展出、銷售及代理之機會。

Entry Deadline:Feb 28, 2013
Organizer:Taiwan International Contemporary Artist Association
Co-organizer:X-Power Gallery
Eligibility:Open to all artists over 18 years old
Finalists will be announced on the website on March 31, 2013.
協辦單位:X-Power Gallery
畫廊獎:由X-Power Gallery贊助,自入圍參展作品中選出一位優秀藝術家。獲選之藝 術家得於第四屆台北新藝術博覽會使用一單位(9平方米)之展位空間以展售作品。

報名簡章 (Submission):
評選賽報名簡章(繁體版) 下載
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如果无法开启档案,请下载相关阅读软件。 (立即下载)
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