[原文取自udn 新聞網]公司的馬克杯與音樂盒,最近成為客戶間的熱門話題。特別是喜愛新藝術的朋友,對於上頭布滿的彩色圓點和線條,交織描繪出新抽象表現主義的藝術風格,經常是愛不釋手。
這是德盛安聯與台北新藝術博覽會合作,選擇台灣新銳藝術家三人組「瑪馨玲」(Ma Sing Ling)的畫作,希望透過藝術傑作帶領客戶看見台灣。
「2015年亞洲當代藝術展」(Asia Contemporary Art Show)3月12~15日在香港港麗酒店舉行。「香華天GP DEVA」集團旗下寶勝畫廊將由獲邀威尼斯雙年展參展榮譽的李善單教授領銜,偕同多位目前正在國際嶄露頭角的藝術家:榮獲多次國際獎項的瑪馨玲、風格鮮明的賴雅琦等,一同在「2015亞洲當代藝術展春季展」上,展出最新精彩作品。
Predestined Affinity‧Inspiration Is Around Bronze 2012 48 X 58 X 42.5 CM 1 / 3 34 KG 雕塑/緣來如此‧我師 銅雕 2012 48 X 58 X 42.5 CM 1 / 3 34 KG [#瑪馨玲最新作品正在台北寶勝畫廊展出 [天心月圓‧華枝春滿:李善單‧瑪馨玲師生聯展 2013/8/17 -9/22]
Title: Moon Series / Enlightenment through Contemplating upon the Moon
Year: 2008/Medium: Oil and Acrylic on Canvas/Size: 145x145 cm(100F)
Award Winning: Accepted into 1.the Lorenzo il Magnifico Award, as part of the exhibition at the VII Florence Biennale 2009. 2.the Florence Biennale 2009, Arte Studio in association with Ministry for Cultural Heritage in Italy, Florence, Italy. 3.Biennal of Chianciano 2009, Chianciano Terme, Italy. 4.Bankside Gallery Summer Exhibition 2009, Bankside Gallery, London, UK. 5.Solo Exhibition in the Exhibition 2008 Autumn, Gallery Gabrichidze, Belgium.
"有", the word means existence, and Taiwanese artist Lee Sun Don created a series of works "Moon Seriese" to express what he learned from Buddha's Nature and existence.
"Moon represents my heart" , the popular Chinese song maybe also leads you to more comprehension of the idea from a lover's Mind.
According to Astrology, Cancer (June 22- July 22, ) is ruled by the Moon (Ref: How Your Ruling Planet Defines You) "The Moon is known for its regularly changing appearance and mood.......Life slides through continual growth and contraction; incorporating this natural ebb and flow into your lifestyle is key."
From Lee's work Diamond Sutra 9, one could see his nature just like the Moon, which lights up the otherwise-dark night, and heartfelt words/gestures help light the paths for everyone around him.
第九品 一相無相分
Title: Diamond Sutra - Of Kindness (9) : The Harmonized Form Is Formless
Year: 2009/Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas/66x66 cm(20F)